The List

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Author's Note: Kinda toxic behavior from our man Simon in this chapter, but Kiera is stubborn and so is he, but he's not having it in this chapter.


Simon's Point of View:

I couldn't sleep the entire night. Kiera fell asleep sometime around one o'clock, and her body was like a furnace against me. We had no new word on Makarov after the air strike in Urzikstan, but that didn't stop me from having a deep conversation with Laswell when I got a moment to talk. I was making Kiera go home, especially after the injury she acquired. She didn't know it yet, but she was about to.

The tensions were still tight between us, that's for sure, but that didn't stop me from holding her close as she slept, keeping her warm against me while I thought of the many ways I was going to tell her she was relieved.

I lay there as I stared at the ceiling, losing track of time when the morning sun began to beam through the small window of our room. Her skin was glowing as she slept peacefully, and I was dreading the moment I was going to make her leave me, knowing that our time was in an hourglass when Laswell informed me with dread that she was going to come and pick her up to board a private flight back to the States.


My gaze turned to her when I felt her turn her body against mine, turning over to face her back to me. "How's your ankle feeling?"

"Sore, but I'll live." She grumbled. Still fucking stubborn, I see. I guess this is how we're going to start our day.

"I'll help you get on the plane."

"What plane?"

"The one going home."

Her gaze was fatal when she glared at me from over her shoulder, "We didn't get a confirmed kill on Makarov."

"I know."

"So why are we going home?"

"We aren't, but you are."

"I'm not going anywhere, Simon. Not until my job is done."

"Doesn't work like that anymore," I huffed, dreading how this morning was already going. Might as well rip the band-aid off while everything was fresh. "You're going home."

"No, I'm not."

"Like hell you are! You are going home, Kiera. I'm not letting you stay here."

"You have no right to tell me what I can and can't do."

I was seething mad by this point, and I was in no mood to argue, especially the fact that I didn't sleep the entire night after being up for over twenty hours, but it was clear that's what she wanted to do. She forced herself up from the bed, nearly hopping on one leg as she went to open the door to our room. I got up quickly behind her, caging her between my body and the door with my palms pressed on either side of her. She had nowhere to go, and I wouldn't let her go unless it was on that plane back to the States.

She winced in pain as she tried to put her weight on her foot, and in the brink of my anger, I still found myself looking out for her comfort as I darted my left hand down to grasp the area under her knee, bringing her foot up from the floor for me to support its weight.

"You are bloody pregnant, Kiera. Why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull? Hm?"

"Get off of me." She grumbled, turning her head to avoid eye contact with me, and being the piece of shit that I am, I used my other hand to grasp her chin and force her head to where she was looking at me. It wasn't forceful, nor was I going to hurt her, but she needed to listen to me.

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