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"Ye sure ye don't have more than one in there?" Teeter poked from beside Kiera as she and Soap joined Kiera and Simon for dinner. 

"According to my last ultrasound." She giggled, rubbing her belly as today marked her 35th week - September 13th.

"Ye look like yer ready to pop, K." 

"I feel like it," She sighed, leaning back in her chair after feeling like she had eaten too much, even though she barely made a dent in her dinner. "Both me and Simon have been nesting like crazy." 

"W-What's that?" Soap asked, furrowing his brows. 

"What he's doing right now is a prime example," She giggled, nodding her head towards the room that was once a guest room that they had turned into their nursery. "He's an all-around handyman now." 

"What else is left to do to that room?" Soap questioned. 

"He repainted before he built the cribs because he didn't believe in buying one, now he's packing the third hospital bag because he feels like it wasn't enough to have two. He was packing clothes last night-"

"I can hear you in here." Simon said from the hallway, making Kiera giggle. 

"Babe, won't you come and finish your dinner?" 

"I don't have time to eat." He grumbled. 

"I'm afraid he's in military mode right now," Soap informed her with a concerned gaze. "That and I'm sure the realization that you could go into labor at any moment has him on edge." 

"Oh, I know. He wakes up every time I wake up with a minor contraction," She frowned. "I know he's been stressed because he's been puffing on my vapes from months ago." 

"As much as he says he's ready, I know he's not." 

"I don't even think I'm ready," She sighed. "As much as I'm ready to have these babies, I'm terrified for when I go into active labor." 

"How close have your contractions been?"

"Probably an hour or two apart," She shrugged. "Nothing bad." 


"Simon, you don't have to do this-"

"Hush, love," He cut her off, splaying a towel over their bed and patting his lap for her to lay her legs over him. "Couldn't even do it yourself and you don't want to feel like you have hairier legs than me." He chuckled as he took a damp cloth and wiped her left leg first before rubbing the shaving cream on her skin. Kiera couldn't lie and say she didn't enjoy it, but she felt gross for him to see her with the little black hairs that spread across her legs. She had tried - desperately tried - to shave herself, but with her huge baby belly, doing any task that involved standing for a long period of time as well as bending over took a huge toll on her. 

"Please don't cut me." 

"Love, I'm as gentle as they come. Just lay back and relax."

She did as she was told, laying back against the pillow as she peered over her bump to watch Simon's close eye on his work, feeling as if he were shaving her legs better than she did, running the razor over every centimeter of her skin from her ankles to her knee, careful to not miss a single hair. 

"I'll give it to you, babe, you are good with your hands." She giggled, the warmth of his free hand grasping the arch of her foot as his other hand continued its work on shaving her leg. 

"If I wasn't, you wouldn't be pregnant right now," He smirked, flicking his gaze up to her briefly with a sly smirk decorating his face before running the wet rag across her freshly shaven leg before standing to sit on the other side of the bed to begin work on her other leg. "Want me to paint your toes too?" 

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