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"I wish you and I can just lounge around all day," Simon admitted. "I'm too excited to go back to work." He finished, exiting his car to walk around the front so that he could open the passenger door for her, helping her to her feet before he unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her shoulders, gently pulling her into his chest and resting his cheek on the top of her head.

She giggled while wrapping her arms around his torso, enjoying his warmth and calm heartbeat, "I'm so happy, Simon."

"Me too, sweetheart," He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too. What time will you be leaving tonight?"

"I lost three hours since I took you to your appointment, so I'll work three hours over to make up my hours. Probably around eight, eight-thirty."

"Okay. I took the day off today, but I'll go pick Baler up from school and take him to the office with me to keep my mind busy and catch up on things while I'm waiting on you to get off."

"I set your seatbelt pillow on the table before we left this morning next to your keys. Don't forget to drive with it now that you have precious cargo again," He smiled, his heart fluttering at the thought. "What're your plans today?"

"Mom and I were going to take the twins out into town for lunch and I think I'm going to come back and take a nap with the twins before I pick up Baler."

"Better be resting well, love," He arched his brow, reminding her that she was back in a vulnerable state now that she was pregnant again. "Make that nap a priority after you return home."

"Trust me, I will." She giggled, gingerly grasping his hand as they began to walk towards the lodge, Simon opening the front door for her before being the last to walk into the house, glancing at his surroundings before shutting the door behind him.

"How'd it go, sweetheart?" Eva smiled from the living room, greeting both Simon and Kiera with a warm hug.

She smiled warmly, rubbing her stomach with the new knowledge that within a few months, it will protrude with a new growing life inside of her. Eva watched the gesture before her jaw dropped with excitement. "Oh, my God!" She gasped, immediately wrapping her arms around Kiera's shoulders and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Another grandbaby to spoil rotten! How far along are you?"

"Seven weeks!"

"My goodness! I'm so happy!" She smiled, pressing another kiss to Kiera's cheek before she stepped to the side to wrap her arms around Simon. "You look happier than me, sweetheart." She teased him.

"I'm pretty happy, but nothing can top my happiness when it comes to a mother's happiness, love." He chuckled, feeling her excited heartbeat while she embraced him.

"I'm so excited to get practice making newborn clothes! Are you hoping for twins again?" She giggled.

"In a way, yes, but I wouldn't mind just one being in there," Kiera laughed. "I never thought I'd say I missed the pain of carrying twins—"

"Watch you have triplets—" Simon poked.

"I knew I could handle twins, but I'd be terrified to carry three," She sighed. "I don't know if my body could handle that."

"You'd be surprised, sweetheart," Eva smiled. "What time do you have to go back to work, Simon?"

He sighed before looking at his watch, "I should get ready. I'll be back." He nodded, his fingers lingering on the small of Kiera's back before making his way up the stairs towards their bedroom to hoard his body in his uniform, secretly hating that he had to wear a bulletproof vest under his shirt. He wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day at home, lounging with his wife and children instead of waiting for tomorrow, but it gave him the motivation to complete his work to succumb to his reward.

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