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"Alright, Graves, what've you got?"

"Makarov aims to finish what he started in Verdansk. He's ordered Konni to strike the Gora Dam at nightfall."

"If he blows the dam, it'll was away the whole city!"

"Countless lives will be lost."

"If he follows the playbook, he'll pin it on Farah and the West."

"Unless we stop it."

"You handle the dam," Farah chimed in. "Kiera informed Alex and my soldiers that she tracked Konni to an airstrip in Northern Urzikstan. We believe it's Makarov's forward operating base. I'll be heading up an assault there in the morning."

"Your forces can't go in alone, Farah."

"They won't. My Shadows and I will provide air support."

"Kiera, you can't let Graves fire danger close to Farah and her team!" Soap warned.

"I trust Shadow overhead, and I trust Kiera."

"He's on a tight leash, Johnny. I can promise you that."

"Just please... Keep it real short, K."

"You know I am."

"Alright, Gaz and I will deploy with Farah. Soap and Ghost take the dam."

"Roger that."

"Nik will provide transport. I'll put a predator out for eyes."

"Copy that, Kiera."

"Don't get compromised."

"We won't, sir."

"Keep your guard up and stay sharp. Good luck, everyone."


Simon's Point of View:

I stood at the rim of the dam, looking down at the rushing water that flowed through the city. I still haven't had the chance to ask Kiera what was on that list, but I hoped that everything was going according to plan. According to her, Graves' intel was good, especially when she was able to back this statement up by revealing that she had access to his comm the entire time he was being interrogated until they realized that it was still active and discarded it. He had already betrayed us once, and I was certain that he'd do it again if it came down to it.

"Watcher 3-1, Bravo 7. We're at our primary set points." I informed her. On missions like this, I wouldn't want Kiera anywhere near where Makarov had been recently, but a part of me felt relieved that she was the one providing overwatch while Laswell deployed with Price and Kyle in Urzikstan. Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved when I know Laswell is keeping a close eye on us, but it felt better to know that it was my own wife doing so. Johnny and I meant a lot to her, and she was going to make sure that we were as careful as we could be.

"Copy that. Be advised – Konni personnel are grouping near multiple locations below you."

"Security for the demolition teams."

"Likely protecting the target areas."

"Affirmative. Find the charges and get them disarmed. Too many lives are at stake here. Watcher out. Be safe, you two."

"Copy that."

My blood boiled with anticipation as I jumped from the rim of the dam, deploying my parachute to guide me towards the catwalks that likely had at least two charges stationed with as much security that was gathering around it. Johnny was going to help me with a diversion, which he grew to get better at over time, and it made me eager to see what he had learned.

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