Winged Wedding

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Simon's Point of View:

As if it was a surprise, I declined scheduled physical therapy because I had asked my doctor about what all it entails prior to my appointment. I didn't need that shit. Nothing was broken, just fucked up. My doctor was disappointed that I openly told him that I wouldn't be going, but I didn't care.

But when Kiera found out that I declined, her disappointment made me feel obligated that I had to. She didn't want me to keep being stubborn, and I wanted to be better for her, but I just didn't see the point in going to physical therapy for something that wasn't considered fatal.

So here I was, floating around in a fucking indoor pool that was normally closed, but was only open for me because Cook's brother was the manager of the gym that owned the pool.

Lucky fucking me, I guess.

Kiera was wearing a bathing suit underneath her baggy clothes, and I was planning on pulling her in before the day was over with. She fussed at me for not moving in the pool to exercise my joints, but I was too content with being stubborn. "Simon, you need to swim around, not float on your back like an otter."

"I'm in the pool, aren't I?" I arched my brow at her. "Good enough."

"You haven't moved around the entire time you've been in that pool. At least swim to the other side once."

"It was already an act of Congress to get me in the pool in the first place, love. I don't feel like swimming," I huffed. "Unless you get in here with me."

She scoffed, "You can't make me."

"What was that?"

"Oh, so now you're going to swim over here to the edge of the pool?" She scoffed, moving along the edge just so I would follow her, stepping away out of my reach just before I could grab her. She knew what she was doing, and it was working because I was blindly following her around just because she teased me.

"Why're you running for, love?" I taunted her. "You were talking a big game just a few seconds ago."

"And look how that turned out for me – you're actually swimming around like the doctor told you to!"

"What was that?" I heard her clearly, but I was baiting her into a vulnerable position so I could drag her into the pool. No, I wasn't going to let her get hurt as we always had playful banter, even when we were arguing.

She stood a few feet away before she squatted down, "I said: you're actually swimming around like the doctor told you to!"

"Love, you have a hole in your pants."

"What? Where?" She questioned, immediately standing up to examine her pants. "Wait, you're just fucking with me—"

"No, I'm serious, love. It's right at the seam," My tone was serious. Sincere, even, and I had her right where I wanted her. "It's right at your arse."

"What the fuck? How did I not see it? I still can't see it." She grumbled.

"Turn around. I'll point to where it's at." I said, now standing completely up in the pool, the water just under my waistline. She was now completely oblivious to what I was planning to do, and I waited for her to turn around at my request. When she did, I wrapped my arms around her waist just below her baby bump, laughing with her when I pulled her into the water.

"Simon Riley! I should've known you were going to do that! Asshole!" She shouted at me with a smile.

I chuckled while I watched her rub her eyes and I moved her wet hair out of her face. "I could see that you were cold, love. Figured you'd might enjoy a heated pool." I grinned, helping her remove her pants and shirt to reveal her bathing suit underneath.

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