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"Are you sure about this, love?" Simon asked as they entered the restaurant, a restaurant that was clearly for the wealthy by the way everyone dressed.

"More than sure, babe," She snickered, adjusting her purse over her shoulder. "Just let me do the talking. You're my insurance."

"I know. I trust you," He nodded. "Are you starting with this Jenkins?"

"Sure am. He's desperate, Simon. He'll see me and try to smooth talk me into why it's a good idea. Desperate men do desperate things."

"Well, he better not try to smooth talk you too much. I'll kill him where he stands," Simon arched his brow. "I'll go sit at that booth."

"You do that. Wouldn't want to scare him away." She giggled, giving Simon a quick peck on his cheek before she made her way to the bar, ordering a martini to sip on while she waited for her victim to take the bait.


"I don't know what to think, Sam," Phillip scoffed, taking another sip from his beer. "Dennis said he was the landowner and then I find out that it isn't? His apparent sister owns it."

"Technically, it's her and her husband's land." Sam answered, he too taking another sip of his beer.

"I need to set up a meeting with just her. I know I can convince her without the interruption of her hatred for Dennis. All I need is her permission to use the river. She can't do anything about the land I already own."

"Asking Kiera Dutton for permission is like asking a rattlesnake to not bite you," Sam scoffed. "She's an assassin. She'll take you down with no bit of remorse."

"Then what am I? I can do just enough damage, probably more."

Sam sighed before tipping his head towards the bar, "Well, looks like your chance to prove it is sitting right over there."

Phillip arched his brow before turning in his chair to look at her, taking a slow sip from her martini as she kept her gaze fixated in front of her. "And she's alone."

"I don't think her husband is what you need to worry about..."

"We'll see about that."

Fucking Christ, Sam sighed to himself, watching Phillip obliviously walking into the spider's web, driven by the desire to make a desperate attempt for Kiera to change her mind. She's going to mop the floor with him.

Simon watched from the booth as he took a sip of his ordered beer, growing anxious that another man was approaching his wife with a hopeful smirk on his face. "Love, I trust you'll play the right cards, but I don't like this." He spoke lowly to himself.

"I apologize for not introducing myself in a former matter," Phillip spoke to her, slowly setting his beer on the bar before taking a seat next to her. "Phillip Jenkins."

Kiera chuckled as she swallowed the last swig of her martini, "I know who you are, Phillip. Do you think that trying to sweet-talk your way into a favor is going to get you anywhere?"

"I knew your father."

"Bullshit. If you knew my father you wouldn't be sitting next to me at a bar trying to negotiate use of the river that runs through our ranch, but nice try."

"Where would I be, then?"

"You would be back in Las Vegas," She arched her brow. "Wyoming doesn't want you here, yet here you are trying to turn it into the same place you left from. There's a term for that, you know."


"Transplant," She answered. "You're the top of the list on that one."

"I'm going to build on that land. There's nothing you can do about that, Kiera—"

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