Happy Birthday, Baby - Part 1

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Later the same day, Kiera awoke to an empty bed, hearing the low volume of the television from the living room. Sighing, she moved her sore body to sit on the edge of the bed and making her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Tying her hair into a loose bun, she brushed her teeth and adjusted a robe over her torso and realigned her shorts around her waist. 

Entering the living room, Kiera smiled as she witnessed Simon sitting on the edge of the couch with Evie in his lap, chuckling at how the television intrigued the baby's curiosity while Jacob found pleasure in the little toys Simon had set up for him. "How'd you sleep?" He asked once taking notice of Kiera's presence. 

"Better than I deserve," She chuckled, walking around the couch to take a seat next to him, admiring how he took care of their children. "You look like you slept good. You're glowing." 

"You deserve good sleep, love. I feel a lot better. Working overnight messes with me, but it's worth it. I get time with them while you're sleeping." 

She smiled, crossing her legs on the couch as she watched Jacob fumble with the toys that Simon had given him, finding admiration in the plush toy that made sounds. "Have they eaten yet?" 

"I gave him a bottle when I got up. She refused the bottle when I went to feed her. Think she prefers you, love." He smirked. 

"As much as I agree with you, I think I'll have to give them a bottle for a few days because my nipples are very tender." She frowned. 

"I'm sorry," He frowned, bouncing his leg to keep Evie occupied as her gaze found its way to her mother, her tongue peering from between her lips, letting Kiera know with her gaze that she was getting hungry. "She refused the bottle with me. Maybe you can convince her." 

She smiled, opening her arms as Simon gently handed Evie to her, leaning down to kiss Kiera's lips before he made his way to the kitchen. "I'm going to make some cereal. Want some?" 

"You? Cereal? That's new," She giggled. "You sure you're feeling alright?" 

"With watching you eat those Fruity Pebbles, they soon become appetizing." He chuckled. 

She shrugged, "I can't blame you. They are good."

"Want me to make you a bowl?" 

"I'll eat in a minute. I'm not very hungry right now, but thank you." 

He nodded, moving to the kitchen to pour himself a bowl of cereal and milk before returning to the couch with a warm bottle for Evie and one of Kiera's favorite snacks in his free hand, knowing that even though she stated she wasn't hungry, Simon knew she couldn't turn down a snack. 

That and Simon would feel better knowing she ate something when he did. 

"Awe, thank you, babe. You excited about what I've got planned for your birthday?" 

"As much as I want to say yes, I can't lie and say that I'm not nervous," He chuckled. "I don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday before, so I don't know what to expect." 

"I understand, but it'll be okay. You'll love it." 

"Are you sure we can't just stay here and I can make a nice dinner for us?" 

She knew he was trying to avoid a surprise, but with what Kiera had planned, there was no room for rescheduling. "Another time, babe, but there's no getting out of it now. We have to be at the restaurant by seven. I made reservations." 

"Christ," He chuckled. "I'm going to be anxious all day." 

"Eh, it's only a quarter past eleven. It'll come by quick. Mom and dad are going too." 

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