Baler's First Christmas

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"Stop fumbling with it, Soap." Simon warned from the driver's seat, watching him continue to look at the ring he was finally able to get with Simon's help, almost as if he couldn't believe he got to take it with him after eyeing it in its case when he went to make payments on it. The box opened and closed repeatedly throughout their drive home. 

"What? Can't help it." 

"You've been practicing how you're going to open the box when you ask her, Johnny," Simon arched his brow. "It's not rocket science. You get down on one knee, open the box, and ask the question." 

"Don't listen to him, Johnny. He was shaking like a leaf when he proposed to me." Kiera giggled from the passenger seat, ignoring Simon's glare as she smiled at Soap from over her shoulder. 

"No I wasn't." 

"Mhm, I saw your hands shaking when you put the ring on my finger." 

He huffed at her response, knowing she was right, but he didn't want Soap to know that as he pulled onto the gravel of the ranch's long driveway. "You two banter like a married couple." Price scoffed, he too loving to push Simon's buttons. 

"I thought the same thing!" Kiera giggled. "Even my own mom said that after I gave birth to Jacob and Evie!" 

"Looks like I'm not the only one..." Soap commented, keeping his gaze on the ring after opening the box yet again to look at it. 

"Johnny, we're here. I suggest you hide that ring before you blow your cover." 

"She's still out with the herd, L.T.," Soap waved his hand. "I won't blow my cover." 

"Well, you need to hide it somewhere while we take that furniture from Kiera's mum's guest room-" 

"Why? What? Since when are we moving furniture?" 

"Since now. We're making the kid a bedroom of his own for Christmas and her mum said we could have the furniture that's in their guest room instead of buying it." Simon replied, parking the truck in the driveway of the house he and Kiera shared to help carry in the many bags of gifts and groceries. 

"Wow, you definitely have heart in that body of yours, L.T." Soap chuckled. 

"Wasn't my idea." He grumbled, exiting the truck to walk around to the passenger side to open the door for her. 

"It was his idea." Kiera whispered over her shoulder, giggling as she took his hand to help her out of the truck, Soap and Price laughing at the glare Simon gave them through the back window of the truck as he and Kiera began gathering bags to take inside. 

"Remind me to traumatize him with that bloody elf like we did last year." Simon commented, following Kiera into the house and setting the bags on the kitchen island while she proceeded to open Kimber's crate. 

"Oh, I'm sure you won't forget since you look forward to it every year," She giggled, leaning down to pet Kimber between her ears. "I'm going to start cleaning that room. What're you bringing over first?" 

"Probably the bed and frame, love." He replied, always resisting the urge to turn her to face him so that he could kiss her for just a second longer after he had gone a long time without her lips on his. 

She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck as she inhaled his cologne, twining her fingers through his hair and embracing the scratch from his stubble against her top lip. "I love you." 

"I love you too, Simon." She smiled against his lips. 

"Need any help with this stuff?" He nodded his head towards the grocery bags. 

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