Family of Four

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"You sure you don't need an extra set of hands to help, L.T.?" 

"No," Simon sighed, ensuring all of the bags were packed that would be going home with him, double checking to make sure Kiera's after-care bag had everything she needed to help with the healing process. "Already in enough stress as it is." 

No matter how much Simon was annoyed with Soap's pestering, he truly admired how persistent Soap was when it came to being there for Simon. Aside from Kiera, Soap was the only other person Simon could count on when he needed someone to confide to or to get something done. 

When Simon needed help cutting the wood for the crib, Soap would help him. 

Well, Soap eventually pried his way into helping him by picking at him - giving Simon pointers on sanding the wood to refrain from splinters. Simon hated the unnecessary advice but ignored it. 

When Simon had anxiety about Kiera's due date, Soap was there to offer him a shot of whiskey to soothe his nerves, the pair having a glass of bourbon even though Soap hated the burn of Wild Turkey. 

He was stressing immensely on this particular day. Kiera's mother was at a doctor's appointment and today was the day Kiera was cleared to go home after three days in the hospital. She still could barely walk on her own, let alone walk out of the hospital with two babies when she needed a wheelchair to make it to the truck. The time of her discharge was getting closer and closer and the more he thought about it, the worse his anxiety got. He had ended his and Soap's phone call out of haste, pushing his friend's offer to the side as he wanted to be the only one to handle the situation. 

"Are you alright, babe?" Kiera asked, taking notice of his worry. 

"Yes, love. Just ready to go home." He forced a smile. She knows I'm lying

"Won't you let Johnny come and help? He's dying to spend more time with you and the babies-"

"I don't need his help right now, love." He huffed. 

"You mean you don't want his help right now. You know you'll need it." 

I wish you'd stop reading my mind, love.

"Fine. Having another set of hands to help get you and these babies out of here will be nice." 

"There we go," She giggled. "Finally getting somewhere. Won't you call him back and tell him you'd like his help?"

"Then that's giving in to his prodding." 

"No, it's not. It's letting him know that you want him around." 

Although there was something else that began to eat at Kiera's mind. She knew Simon welcomed Soap for any other occasion other than spending time with the newborns - a boundary Simon had set immediately with no intention of letting Soap cross it. 

He was jealous

Jealous of the thought that Jacob or Evie would prefer Soap over their own father.

She watched him huff as he removed his phone from his pocket, dialing Soap's number and putting on speaker as if he were proving to Kiera that he was calling his comrade. 


"You can come and help if you want-"

"Already halfway there, L.T." 


"I knew you'd change your mind," He snickered. "Figured if I came anyway you couldn't say no." 

"Don't push your luck, MacTavish." 


Once Soap had arrived at the hospital, he failed to conceal his smile of excitement as he walked through the hallway and towards the elevator, swaying from side to side subtly as the elevator hoisted him up to the second floor. 

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