By Your Grace

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January 13, 2023

"Love, you should go to the doctor. Those cramps have gotten worse." Simon warned, frowning as he watched her spit used toothpaste into the sink, her complexion nearly ill. 

"I guess you didn't overhear me make my appointment yesterday," She breathed a chuckle. "I think my IUD moved. I couldn't feel the strings." 

"I don't know what that is?" He shrugged. 

"It's the thing that keeps a miniature you coming out of me." She scoffed playfully, glancing at him through the mirror as his cheeks flushed with what seemed like embarrassment when in reality it was excitement. He pictured the perfect combination of her with him compressed into a child, the thought making him eager to experience, although if he were to be honest, the thought of bringing a child of his own into the world was a new terror that he was worried to experience. If my own nephew can be taken from me by my enemies, I don't want to imagine what would happen if my enemies knew I had a child of my own, he frowned. 

"Oh. You said you thought it moved? I'd rather ask you before I Googled it." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Guess we can't be having rough sex for a while." 

"Can't help myself." 

"You'll have to if my OB/GYN tells me that's the reason why it moved, babe." 

She watched him blush, hiding a grin when he looked down to his lap, his eyes fluttering shut as he wasn't the best morning person. Why can't you make appointments in the afternoon? He huffed. Sliding on her sweatpants, a loose t-shirt and tossing a pair of Hey Dudes on the floor next to the bed, she sat next to Simon on the bed and swept back his hair with her fingers, "Watch me find out I'm pregnant." She joked. 

"Christ," He mumbled, keeping his eyes closed as he enjoyed her touch. "That's the last thing I need is another me running around."

"Hush, you're not that bad," She teased. "Might be a girl. Then you'll really be in trouble." 

"Don't remind me. Especially at the same time," He chuckled, his expression showing her that he didn't seem worried if she were to be pregnant at some point, seeming to be rather relaxed at the thought of being a father - a better father than his own. "Your father would kill me." 

"Nah. He's been wanting grandchildren." 

"Yeah, he would. I wouldn't blame him. I'd kill my son if he knocked up his girlfriend after a few months." He scoffed. 

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