Last-Minute Preparations

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Simon's Point of View:

"How does that feel, love?" I asked, my voice low as I ran my palm against her lower back. Although she had gone through a much-needed chiropractic adjustment, her lower back was still tight and sore.

She was laying on the pregnancy pillow face-down after I had adjusted it to where she could fit her belly in what she referred to as putting an egg in a basket, which I couldn't help but chuckle when she said it.

"It feels so good, Simon," She hummed, her head laying to the side with her eyes closed. "Never thought I'd miss being able to lay on my stomach."

"I'd say," I sighed, continuing to rub my hands along the column of her back. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. This baby has made me more tired than when I was pregnant with the twins."

"He's probably as big as the twins put together." I chuckled. In truth, we didn't know the gender of our baby yet, and Kiera wanted to keep it a surprise for when the baby was born, which I agreed with.

But I wasn't prepared for what she was going to suggest next.

"So adamant on a boy," She giggled, groaning in satisfaction when I ran my thumbs against the strained muscle of her back. "I was talking to our midwife this morning..."

"How'd that go?"

"I told her that I was thinking about wanting to do a home birth. Mainly because I don't want to put the stress of worrying about who's going to watch our kids while I'm in the hospital, and I just think I would be more comfortable doing that."

"Whatever you want to do, love. I can have EMS on standby just in case you need immediate medical attention."


"Of course, love. I can definitely make that happen." I assured her, now running my hands along the back of her thighs and down her calves, paying special attention to her swollen ankles and feet, now massaging the arches of her feet.

"I just think it'll be more comfortable for you and the kids—"

"It's not about our comfort, love. It's about yours. I think it'll be a less stressful situation, and I'll do what I can to make sure you're comfortable."

"What do you think about using the spare room down the hall?"

"Upstairs or downstairs?"

"I'd say upstairs so that it'll be easier to come back to bed."

"Makes sense. Tell me what I need to do, and I'll make it happen."

"I know. I'm going to talk to her a bit more and ask about what I'd need, I just wasn't sure how you'd feel about it—"

"Love, you shouldn't have to ask me how I'd feel about it. I'm all for what you want to do with this. I'll make sure that room down the hall is ready for you, so don't you worry about that."

"While you were at work today, I changed the bedding and put that towel warmer in there, too. Might come in handy."

"I'm sure. Were the twins on their best behavior today?"

"Not the best, but it was manageable. Didn't have any tantrums today."

"Even from Baler?"

"Barely a word from him, but I'd rather him avoid me and not talk to me instead of saying something mean and ruining my mood."

"That's understandable, but he and I are working on that."

"Good." She hummed, relaxing into my touch.

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