Welcome to the World - Part 2

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Twenty-four hours later, Kiera was still showing no signs of having to push. Being only six centimeters dilated, she began to grow impatient as well as restless. "I'm so tired," She panted, taking deep and slow breaths between contractions, noting that they began to grow closer together. Eva grasped her hand, taking Simon's place as he dismissed himself to take a shower. "Where's Simon?" 

"He's still in the shower, sweetheart. Do you need me to knock on the door and let him know you need him?" 

"N-No, let him have his alone-time. I'm sure he's overwhelmed." 

"Well, sounds like he's out of the shower because I don't hear any water running anymore. Seems like his ears were burnin'." She teased.

Once he was dressed in new clothes and freshened himself up, Kiera was desperate for a shower of her own. Even through her contractions, the thought of hot water hitting against her back was heavenly and enticing. "Babe? Can you help me take a shower?" 

"Of course. Are you okay to stand? Should I get a nurse?" 

"I think we should tell a nurse first, sweetheart." Eva said to Kiera as Simon helped her sit on the edge of the bed, putting her arms around his neck and using his strength to help her stand on her feet. 

"O-Okay," She groaned, hiding her face against his chest, breathing through the start of another contraction. "I feel so gross. I need to at least brush my teeth and put dry shampoo in my hair." 

Eva pressed the button on the bed's remote to call for a nurse, letting her know that Kiera was up and wanting to take a shower. Once cleared and advised that a nurse would be in the room in less than a minute, Simon helped her along and into the bathroom, turning on the water and helping her brush her hair as they waited for the nurse to enter the room to assist. 

"Already walking on your own, girl," The nurse giggled as she entered the room, dressing her hands with latex gloves. "Would you rather stand or sit in a bath?" 

"Just stand. I just want to feel clean." Kiera huffed, leaning against Simon as she threw her arms up to tie her hair into a bun, thankful that Simon had shooed her hands away to do it himself after he noticed how her arms were getting tired just for holding them up for a few seconds. 

"Okay. I'm going to take these monitors off of your belly so they don't get wet. You can get your arms wet with that IV, but try to keep the stand close so that you don't tug on it." The nurse explained, removing the monitors from Kiera's belly and taking them back into the room, leaving the door open just in case Kiera called for help as well as leaving Simon and Kiera to have a moment to themselves as he tended to her, the strong grip she had on his hand as he helped her into the shower, smirking at her sigh of relief once she stood under the warm water. 

"Does it help the ache in your back, love?" 

She nodded, shutting her eyes as she gripped his hand while the other gripped the rail of the shower, standing under the water for a few minutes for a break of her contraction, reaching for the loofa as Simon reached for the body wash, taking the loofa from her hand and pouring the soap onto the loofa and beginning to massage the soap into the skin of her back, shoulders, and the backs of her thighs. "Can you put your foot up on the step here?" He asked, pointing to the short ledge and gently grasping her ankle with his hand to stabilize her, washing her entire leg and up to her thigh before he gestured for her to display her other leg for him. "Deep breaths, love, we're almost done." He assured her, taking note of her heavy breathing as a sign for another contraction. 

"I'm so ready for these babies to come out. It's like they're just teasing us at this point." She groaned, embracing the warm towel the nurse had brought in. 

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