◆Chapter 1◇

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Miyuki hurried down the path, avoiding checking her watch because doing so would only slow her down and she couldn't afford to be late.


She huffed, her All Might trinket bouncing against her brown bookbag as she weaved her way through the sparse crowd of people. Occasionally, she would look up to appreciate the new weather. Spring had just arrived, after all. The breeze was light and airy, the sky was a perfect baby blue, and the cherry blossoms were in bloom. She didn't want to miss a second of it.

But she'd have to. It was her final year at Reiko Junior High and she'd hate to leave a bad record behind. Already people thought the worst of her and, looking at the places she wanted to go, she didn't want her report card reflecting that, right?

Miyuki definitely wasn't that scared little girl she once was, crying at every insult and misfortune. She'd matured quite a lot since elementary school, actually. She was considerably taller now and her hair, tied up in its usual style with red ribbons, had grown much longer, too, as had the black and white bangs framing her face. She was glad they were, because that wasn't the only thing about her that had advanced-her body showed considerable signs of change as well, especially in her chest and hips. Everywhere she went people would stare at her and she could do nothing but hide her blushing cheeks.


Miyuki slowed when she felt a tremor in the ground. She squinted her eyes.

Up ahead, right in the street she needed to pass through to get to Tattooin Station, there was a battle taking place. All the civilians were rushing to get a glimpse of the action and Miyuki was about to join them, too, but hesitated.

There was another way to school that she could take, although it was a bit longer than her usual route.


She could stay behind and watch pro-heroes at work! How many people could say they had that opportunity? What if All Might was there? She couldn't miss that!

Miyuki sighed. Whichever choice she made, she was going to be late...

So she might as well make the most of it.

She pushed through the throng of people until she had a front row view. Police officers had arrived on the scene to keep civilians at bay as well as other pro heroes, but she wasn't looking at them. She had a clear view of the action! Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

This is so cool~

"Wait! Is that BackDraft?" She mumbled to herself, watching the hero arrive and help keep civilians away from the ongoing fight with his water. "And is that... no way!"

"Oh... its Death Arms! He carries out justice through his great physical strength-

The Punching Hero!"

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』Where stories live. Discover now