◆Chapter 38◇

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Miyuki ran around her bedroom haphazardly. Her black duffel bag sitting on her bed was half full as she tossed in it her camera, two manga books, and a small umbrella.

"Poncho, pass me those shoes over there," she told her dog. The puppy tilted it's head before trotting over to a pair of white sneakers by her open cupboard and brought them to her. "Thank you! You're such a good boy~"

Miyuki ruffled his head before once again running around her bedroom.

She looked under the desk – nothing. When she pushed back the books on her shelf, there was nothing there as well. She checked under her bed, on top of her cupboard, inside her drawers –

Where the heck is it?!

I'm going to be late and I can't leave without it


She swivelled around to face Poncho and there it was: her All Might plushie in her dog's mouth.

"You found it!" Miyuki gasped in relief. She retrieved her childhood toy from the puppy (after tickling his stomach to make him release it). She put it inside her duffel bag and zipped it closed before collecting her school bag.

The week of their internships had finally arrived. Miyuki had handed in her form with her firm decision to Aizawa the very next day... as well as informing him about the DNA Test results he had given her. Her homeroom teacher became uncomfortable when she embraced him suddenly, her eyes glistening with a fresh set of tears. Aizawa awkwardly returned it and glared at Present Mic when he snapped pictures of the two of them.

Miyuki bid Poncho goodbye at Hana's House. Her grandson and him seemed to be fast friends already as they ran around each other. At this rate, she doubted Poncho would even notice she was gone.

"Bye, Poncho," Miyuki said to the puppy. She placed a kiss on his fluffy head. "I'll be back before you know it."

Tightening the strap of her bookbag across her chest, Miyuki picked up the case with her hero costume, marked by the number '13', and started making her way towards Izuku's place so they could walk together to the train station where their class was supposed to gather.

"Good morning, Inko-San!" Miyuki greeted with a bow when she arrived.

"Good morning, Miyuki-Chan!" Inko responded cheerfully. Izuku arrived just then, fully ready with his yellow backpack and his hero costume case in hand. He hugged his mother goodbye and Inko waved at the two teens as they left. "Look after one another, okay? Don't forget to check in on each other!"

"We won't!" Izuku promised his mother, waving back at her as they jogged off and Miyuki waved at the older woman with an assuring smile as they vanished around the corner.

When they stepped out onto the street, Izuku bombarded her with questions right away.

"Yuki-Chan, are you okay?" He asked concernedly. "Your eyes are swollen! D-Did you not like the results? What did they say? Have you already spoken to Aizawa sensei or All Might about them? You said they helped you, right? Do they already know who –"

"Izuku, slow down," Miyuki said gently and with a quiet chuckle. "Yes, I'm fine, and that's because I cried myself to sleep since the results were more than I thought they would be; I have spoken to Aizawa sensei and All Might-sensei." She cast a glance at her shoes. "And as for who..." Miyuki trailed off, pulling the paper out of her bag and giving it to him. She watched with a shy smile on her face as his green eyes eagerly perused the document and slowly widen in the process of doing so.

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