◆Chapter 112◇

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The rest of the boys had all gone to get changed from their evening bath by the time Katsuki finished dressing Miyuki's arms and the lower parts of her legs. He was slightly surprised at how easy it was to do, too - she didn't behave stubbornly and insist on doing it herself like she usually would've, and she was uncharacteristically quiet throughout the time he did it. Was she tired? Most likely. After the long, eventful day they all had, he wasn't surprised when he saw other members of his class return downstairs to get something to eat or lounge around in their p.e. uniforms.

"Thank you," Miyuki said, smiling politely as Katsuki tied off the bandage around her wrist. She started leaning in to kiss his cheek to show her gratitude, but she blushed and paused when she remembered her classmates were around them. So, instead, she settled for squeezing his hand. He returned the gesture, a light blush on his cheeks, before he got up to return the first aid kit to the kitchen.

Miyuki sat back on the couch, taking in the bandages around her arms, but her attention was pulled away from them when she suddenly felt someone throw their arms around her.

"Miyuki-Chan!" Toru exclaimed. "Are you alright? How are you feeling now?"

"Much better," she replied, smiling pleasantly as she returned the invisible girl's hug. "Thank you, Hagakure-Chan."

"I am glad to see you're nearly back to your full strength, Sasaki," Fumikage remarked as he and Tenya sat down nearby.

"As am I," added Tenya, smiling. "I hope you're more well rested now, too."

Miyuki nodded and Izuku came and sat down beside her just as Katsuki came back from the kitchen carrying a glass of orange juice.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, Yuki-Chan," the green-haired boy said, looking rather downcast. "I'm glad you're safe now, but I just wish... the burden of knowing about One for All didn't have to pass to you like that. If I could've gone with you... or if you didn't have to go at all..."

"Then, we both would've found ourselves sitting here together with everyone still," Miyuki responded, gently ruffling his hair with a smile. "I didn't want to see you get hurt, and I don't feel bad at all for the choice I made. So please don't worry about it, Izuku."

"Yeah!" Denki said, hopping over and landing on the side of the couch, causing Ejirou to bounce slightly and Katsuki to send him a pointed look. "I mean, if you left, too, we wouldn't have been able to get Miyuki-Chan back without those super crazy Quirks you were constantly training with."

"He wasn't the only one who gave it his all to get her to come back," Katsuki pointed out, giving Miyuki the glass of orange juice he got for her, which she accepted gratefully. "Except for you. You were bawling your eyes out the whole way back, even through Uraraka's speech."

"Was not!" Denki Protested, pouting defiantly.

"Come to think of it... where is Uraraka-San?" Izuku inquired thoughtfully

"She was really worried, so she felt drained and went to sleep," Miyuki replied, cradling her glass of orange juice. "So did a few of the other girls, too."

"I see..." Izuku said. Miyuki looked down at the still liquid, a more serious expression falling over her face.

"Everyone, thank you," she said, looking up at those gathered around her. "And... sorry for causing you all unnecessary trouble."

"Yeah, about your Onii-San, the safety Commission, and One for All?" Mina asked, a small towel around her neck. "You should've said something! Thanks to your letter, though, Midoriya explained pretty much everything else, so I'm not surprised or anything anymore."

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