◆Chapter 27◇

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After Izuku's match against Hitoshi, Miyuki made her way out of the stands to Recovery Girl's Temporary clinic. All Might was already present when she arrived, so she stood back as Recovery Girl treated Izuku's injured fingers.

"Kiss...!" She said, giving them a big smooch once she finished bandaging them. "That should do it." She let them go and Miyuki peered over to see how the he was doing.

"In the match against Shinsou-Kun," Izuku spoke up, looking at All Might and Miyuki waiting on him, "I didn't smile at all." Miyuki rubbed his back.

"Well, his cries hit home for you, huh?" All Might asked, noticing the best friend's similar expressions.

"But that didn't mean that I could lose," Izuku replied quietly, and Miyuki saw a strange yet familiar emotion flaring in his green irises. "That's what it means to aim for number one, right?"

"Poor thing," Recovery Girl said. "You put some weird pressure on him again, didn't you?" Miyuki's hands flew to her mouth when the elderly woman's armed smacked across All Might's stomach, making him yelp.

"It was necessary!" The number one hero protested in pain. "Ouch!" Miyuki blinked, flabbergasted.

"Oh yeah, All Might," Izuku spoke up suddenly. "I had a vision. There were eight or nine people... I don't remember how many... But when it felt like my mind was filled with fog from the brainwashing, the vision appeared, as if to drive away the fog. It was like I was barely able to move just my fingertips... There was someone with eyes like you, too, All Might. Was it the people who had inherited One for All who did it...?"

"That's what you were staring at..." Miyuki mumbled thoughtfully as she tapped her chin in confusion. Naturally, she hadn't seen anything, but hearing of her friend's vision was very intriguing.


Someone with eyes like All Might? If the vision he saw were the past users of One for All, then why All Might? He was still alive and currently still able to use One for All.

Could it have something to do with him having passed it on to Izuku? It has to, right? Because he saw All Might-sensei in his vision, so might that indicate something important regarding his usage of One for All ?-

If so, what does this mean for Izuku -



Someone was shaking her. Miyuki looked up and saw All Might and Izuku giving her concerned looks. She realized she must have zoned out for a long time. As she did, a butterfly had somehow made its way inside and found refuge on her head.

"Young Miyuki, is everything all right?" The Pro Hero asked her. The girl nodded, dropping her hands to her sides.

"Yes. Sorry, I was just lost in thought..." She turned to look at Izuku then at All Might again. "Have you... figured out what the vision was about? Were the past users trying to communicate and help in some way?"

"No. I think it's like a trace of something they left behind in One for All," All Might answered. "It's not something with intent that can interfere with you, and you can't interfere with them. In other words, that vision isn't what got rid of the brainwashing." He turned to look at the green-haired boy. "It was that when you saw the vision, your strong emotions allowed you to overcome Young Shinshou's brainwashing for just long enough to move your fingertips, I think."

"That explanations not satisfying at all, though..." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't get too hung up about it!" All Might assured them. "More importantly, don't you need to go see who you're going to fight next?"

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