By the time Miyuki got back to the stands, the seventh match between Tetsutetsu and Ejirou was over with both of them being knocked out. It was announced that, once they recovered, a winner will be decided from a simple arm-wresrling match.
Miyuki took her seat beside Izuku and her eyes immediately went to the arena down below. It was empty for now, but when she glanced on either side to both corridors leading into the arena, she could just make out the silhouettes of Ochaco and Katsuki.
"While we wait for Tetsutetsu and Kirishima to recover, we'll start the next match!"
"Looks I'll have to watch it on TV," Miyuki muttered, sitting back in her chair.
"Next might be the most disturbing match up," Tsuyu said from behind them. Miyuki sighed quietly at the image Katsuki had engraved of himself in their classmates.
"I almost don't want to watch..." Kyoka admitted.
"The eighth and last match of the first round!" Present Mic announced. "He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the Hero course, Bakugo Katsuki!"
"I understand you're being tough and all, but..." Miyuki's mouth wavered as she observed the ash-blonde boy's expression with her Quirk. "What's with that face...? You're already tough-looking as it is..."
"Versus - Another competitor I'm rooting for," Present Mic continued. "From the Hero course, Uraraka Ochaco!"
"You're the one that makes things float, right, Round face?" Katsuki spoke up when he came face to face with his opponent. Miyuki bit her lip.
"Round...?" Ochaco repeated, taken aback by his words.
"If you're going to withdraw, do it now," Katsuki went on without missing a beat. Miyuki wasn't shocked by this - in fact, she felt like she knew what was coming next. "You won't get off with just an 'Ouch.'"
I can feel his arrogance oozing all the way from here...
"Midoriya-Kun," Tenya said as he turned to look at the green-haired boy. "What was the strategy you were going to tell Uraraka-Kun earlier for her to use against Bakugou-Kun?"
"It was nothing, really," Izuku replied. "Kacchan's strong. In a close combat fight, he has almost no openings, and the more he moves, the more he sweats, making his Explosion Quirk stronger. He can use the blasts from his explosions to move around in the air, but if Uraraka-San touches Kacchan and uses her Quirk to make him float, then she would have the upper hand. Thats why the first thing Uraraka-San should do is..."
"Eighth match, start!"
"...A swift attack!" Izuku finished. Miyuki leaned against the railing eagerly, her eyes lighting up as she activated her Quirk. "Yuki-Chan, are you alright?"
"Withdrawing isn't a choice!" Ochaco exclaimed as she made the first move and rushed towards Katsuki.
That's my girl!
"Ochaco-Chan, you can do it!" Miyuki shouted spontaneously.
"All right!" Izuku exclaimed, watching just as closely. "That's good! Even if it's by accident, as long as she can touch him, she can make him float."
"But Bakugo-Kun won't want Uraraka-San to get close to him," Tenya pointed out.
"That's right," Miyuki agreed. She was keeping as close an eye on Katsuki as she was on Ochaco. "He won't make it easy. He's not the sort of person to back down from a fight, no matter his opponent or circumstance. That's what makes him such a brilliant and astute fighter... deadly, too, but that's something he works to his advantage." She pursed her lips, a rosy blush rising to her cheeks when she realized she was just singing his praises. "W-What I mean to say is that Uraraka-San will have to remember his signature right swing."

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...