◆Chapter 127◇

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"So many wounded heroes, and I feel nothing... That's sad, honestly."

All for One/Zin's hands formed into a black spiked drill and dozens upon dozens of rivulets which shot off towards the heroes.

"Without All Might, you're nothing but scraps."

Out of nowhere, the rivulets veered off course. The villain looked from the corner of his eye and to his irritation saw Thirteen zooming past him on Tokoyami's back, her Quirk activated. One of the shadow shikigamis, a giant Chimera, leapt towards them -

Only to be utterly vapourized by Gang Orca's hypersonic shout, the waves going as far as taking out a quarter of the other shadows. All for One/Zin's eyes narrowed and he turned to the ant-like figures beneath him. He stretched out his hand, feathered rivulets stemming out of his back in the thousands.

"Clean Sweep."

A joint cohort of heroes tried diverting his attack, leaving them open to a wave of spiked feathers and shadow crows which came from behind. Burnin', so focused on diverting with her flames, saw what was coming but didn't react in time. A blast of light blinded her momentarily, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the Zeus Shikigami readying another lightning bolt, parts of its body fading away.

More shadows sprung up to replace the fallen ones and swarmed the heroes. A giant light sword swept them away. Miyuki's Shikigami, Athena, swung her sword at All for One/Zin, but the villain easily swept her out of existence with another storm of rivulets.

"Divert it!" Burnin' shouted, flaming hair shielding her and those around her.

Following her lead, the Zeus Shikigami grabbed fistful of the projectiles and shattered them. All for One/Zin clicked his tongue, annoyed, before raising his hand. A shadowy swamp appeared beneath the Shikigami.

"Hell Gate."

"That should take care of the major fighters for the time being. She's too weak to summon any more let alone control them all, so..." All for One/Zin opened his hand, Zeus's hand disappearing into the shadows before the black circle was swept away and transformed into Spikes and shuriken which rained down on the battlefield.

On the other side of the battlefield, Miyuki staggered on her Sky Walk and dropped to her knees, blood dribbling from the corner of her lips. A sharp pain darted through her abdomen. Looking down, All Might's jacket was turning scarlet and she realized she'd exacerbated her wound, running around and controlling her Shikigami. Light Shikigami seeped more energy from her since the light she created them with came directly from her body's cells. She clutched her head, vision swimming as more rivulets attacked her companions.

"Sasaki's light giants are gone!" Burnin' shouted. "He's too fast! We need them back - or at least a few dozen heroes - to deal with just one attack. There is no opening!"

"We have to stay together, guys. Let's fight as one!" Itsuka said.

"I won't let you." All for One/Zin released the grey cloud he'd been creating in the palm of his hand. Before long, the cloud of Puppeteer swept towards the heroes in a gushing river. "Or rather, you won't let yourselves."

Miyuki's eyes widened. "Everyone, cover your noses!"

She clenched her teeth, forcing her eyes to remain open, and made an iridescent wall. Silver cracks streaked across her body, stopping at the corners of her eyes.

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