As soon as her eyes cracked open, the scent of sterile wipes and the sound of beeping machinery reached Miyuki's ears. She breathed out, her eyes settling on the pale ceiling above her. She was in a hospital – that, she registered fairly quickly. They'd become such familiar places to her now
She didn't welcome the feeling.
Firecracker... Miyuki thought, her brows creasing with melancholy as she gingerly sat up. She looked at herself and she was once again wrapped in bandages. They must have done this while she was unconscious. After she was interrogated by the police, she vaguely remembered being loaded onto an ambulance. The adrenaline that kept her on her feet must have run out then because she couldn't remember what happened after that.
She exhaled and pushed back her bangs.
We... I couldn't...
...I failed to save you...
Miyuki fisted the sheets covering her legs as her heart squeezed contemptuously. She was getting stronger – she was sure of it. But it seemed, too, that the stronger she became the more reckless and irrational her actions grew, as well. Being a hero who put smiles on the faces of those she wished to protect...
She promised to make him smile one day, too, right?
Miyuki looked out of the corner of her eye and her expression softened slightly as she glimpsed the bouquet of flowers and a plate of daifuku on the table beside her. Beyond that, her eyes widened when she saw Izuku lying motionless in the bed next to hers.
"Izuku," Miyuki breathed as she climbed out of her hospital bed. The half-and-half girl picked up the note sitting by the plate of Daifuku. It was written in her father's handwriting.
'Call me as soon as you wake up.'
She looked up when she heard rustling and saw Izuku was awake. He looked at the dish of food and the note left at his bedside by his mother before turning his head the other way.
"Yuki-Chan," he whispered upon seeing his best friend there. "You're here... you're okay."
"Yeah," Miyuki replied with a gentle smile. She tenderly ruffled his hair. "I'm glad you're awake now. You were in and out of consciousness a lot, but Recovery Girl passed by and healed you."
"Kota-Kun," Izuku mumbled, partially dazed, as he turned to look at the ceiling. "I wonder if he's okay..."
Before she could assure him that he was fine, a knock on the door caught their attention. It slid open and Denki stuck his head through.
"Oh, Midoriya, Miyuki-Chan, you're awake!" He exclaimed happily as he and the rest of their classmates piled into their hospital room. "Did you two see the news? The media's swarming the school right now."
"It's way worse than in the spring," Rikido added in.
"We've got a melon!" Minoru informed them cheerily. "We bought it together! A big melon!"
"I caused you trouble, Midoriya," Fumikage spoke up, his tone grave as he hung his head. "You as well, Sasaki."
"No, I did, too..." Izuku assured him, his voice hoarse. "Did everyone from Class A come?"
"No. Jirou-Kun and Hagakure-Kun are still unconscious from the villains' gas," Tenya informed them. "And Yaoyorozu also got hit on the head and is hospitalised here. Apparently she regained consciousness yesterday. So everyone but those three came..."
"Fifteen of us..." Ochaco said quietly.
"Because Bakugo's not here," Shoto pointed out bluntly.
"Hey, Todoroki!" Mina chastised, throwing a nervous glance at Izuku and the half-and-half girl. Miyuki frowned slightly, her gut twisting at the reaffirmation of the reality of their current situation.

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...