◆Chapter 57◇

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Will you take it?

Katsuki's eyes brightened as he watched Izuku, Miyuki, and Tenya zip through the air. The girl's hand reached out to him and even from where he was on the ground, as his body grew warm and the sweat built in his palms, he could see clearly the resilient expression drawn across her features.

Idiot...! He thought, his hair covering his eyes as he clenched his teeth. Tomura rushed towards the ash-blonde boy, the palms of his hands lighting up –


Miyuki's heart soared when she saw Katsuki race towards them using his explosive Quirk. As she, Tenya, and Izuku rushed through the air, against the warm summer wind whipping her hair in her face, she didn't mind that the villains knew they were here now. She didn't mind Tomura's shrivelled eyes boring into her nor the terror gnawing into her. When she felt Katsuki's hand grip hers, in that moment, she felt herself breathe without fear, without guilt and regret and sadness as his sweaty palm touched hers.

"You stupid or something?" Katsuki asked her gruffly, a smirk upon his face. Miyuki grinned back at him, a warm, fluttering sensation spreading through her chest as she did.

"What?!" Spinner shouted, shocked at the appearance of the three first years.

"Bakugo-Kun!" Tenya called. "On my mark, create a blast –"

"You watch my mark!" Katsuki interrupted and Miyuki groaned under her breath.

"Now isn't the time to be fighting!" She chastised over the wind. She tightened her grip around Katsuki's hand. She had her friend back now – there was no way she was letting him be taken away from her a second time. "Do as he says!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Katsuki shouted back, and the half-and-half girl couldn't help but smile wider at his response.

"Don't let them get away!" Mr. Compress shouted urgently from the ground. "Where are the long distance fighters?"

"Dabi, Zin, and Kurogiri – they're all down!" Spinner informed the magician. Magne ran up to them.

"You two, get close!" She told them before a glowing blue ball materialised between her hands.

Miyuki turned to look over her shoulder at the villains on the ground to see if they were being followed. Her heartbeat quickened when she saw Mr. Compress flying towards them, the distance between them and him becoming increasingly shorter.

"Repulsion Breakup... Moonlight Flit Cannon!"

He was right behind them! –

"Titan Cliff!"

Mt. Lady cried out in pain when Mr. Compress collided with her face and the villain fell back to the ground from the impact of the hit.

"Mt. Lady!" Izuku cried out, he and his friends looking back in shock and concern as the towering female pro hero tilted back.

"Prioritize... the rescue...!" She exclaimed as she and Mr. Compress fell down. "Go... stupid kids...!"

She crashed to the ground with a giant smash, dust and smoke rising from her descent and blocking the other villains' view of the teenagers.

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』Where stories live. Discover now