◆Chapter 110◇

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As she regained consciousness, there was the faint sound of raised voices echoing through her ears. Her eyes still felt too heavy too open, so it was mostly dark. But as her senses came back to her slowly, and with them her strength, she realized she was being carried as she felt her body gently swaying, a firm grip around her thighs, and the voices became clearer.

"...You have to let your wounds heal properly, Bakugo," came Shoto's voice. "It's alright to admit if you're starting to get tired."

"Todoroki-Kun is right. Ka-Chan, look, your bandages -"


"...are going to come off. Shoji-Kun can carry her -"

"Stop that already. I said I'm not letting her go and I meant it, Deku - Izuku!" Shouted Katsuki, and she felt her legs shift slightly as he adjusted his grip. "I'll do it just fine, so quit nagging."

Someone sighed, and from the way it came out it sounded like Izuku. "It's fine for you to call me Deku, Ka-Chan..."

"I thought you were just being metaphorical and deep and stuff," commented Hanta from somewhere beside her, "and pouring out your honest feelings to her, but you're really the more clingy one in the relationship, huh?"

"Nobody asked you," Katsuki replied, ticked. "Poke your nose in somebody else's private life, Flat face."

As she opened her eyes finally, through her blurry vision she looked up and saw the side of Katsuki's face. She realized her head was on his shoulder, her body carefully propped up on his back as he carried her.

"Oh, her eyes are open!" Mezo notified when he saw her eyes flutter open. Katsuki stopped walking, turning to look at her. "Thirteen, she's awake."

"Oh, good," the pro hero breathed. The visor of Thirteen's helmet pulled back, revealing a petite blonde woman with horizons in her eyes smiling up at her. "Can you hear me, Sasaki-San?"

"Y-Yeah..." she replied drowsily.

"Right now, most of the civilians have been evacuated to shelters across the country," Thirteen explained. "The ones left outside are anti-hero vigilante groups and rioting extremists taking advantage of what the jailbreakers started."

Miyuki raised her head from Katsuki's shoulder and her expression turned to one of awe when she saw the dark, imposing barriers surrounding U.A.'s main campus where the gate used to be. Bright searchlights sat at the top and went all around the structure, but they were too far high up for her to get a good view of and blocked the campus's tallest building from her sights. At the very top of the towering structure were the words 'UA Emergency Security System' written in bold yellow and white characters.

She shuddered, her brows creasing with worry. Was it a good idea for her to come back after all? With the school being this secure...

"Members of the anti-hero groups have also become exhausted and more are entering the shelters," Thirteen said. "Because most of the rioters have formed gangs, they're easy to get rid of. As the evacuation continues, we've had to split our forces to deal with everything. Everyone's doing their best to improve the situation. The help you'd been providing outside is able to be taken care of by other heroes or the police."

Miyuki looked away from the barrier, her chin resting on Katsuki's shoulder softly. Feeling the extra pressure on him, Katsuki looked at her, checking over her to see if something was wrong. He frowned as he took in her bruises and the tired expression on her face, the light gone from her eyes.

"The UA Barrier is up and running!" Hanta cheerily said, looking up at the gargantuan structure before them. "And this wall is just the tip of the iceberg!"

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