◆Chapter 84◇

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The performance was louder and way more electrifying than he expected it to be.

Of course, this wasn't something he was going to say out loud let alone show in front of his classmates and Miyuki.

The crowd was still cheering them on even after their performance ended. He watched as his classmates bowed before all of them, wide grins on each of their faces while he let his arms rest at his sides. It had been a while since he last played the drums, but the sensation of the beat thrumming in his ears and resonating throughout his body - it was a feeling that exhilarated him.

Katsuki stood up, watching as Kyoka embraced Miyuki, the tears in their eyes conveying their feelings where their words couldn't. He looked away and put his hands in his pockets, his gaze passing over the students as they began leaving the gym.

Those damn idiots, Katsuki thought, frustrated as he located the haughty faces of the two third year business course students. His eye twitched slightly as he noticed the defiant expressions of those naysayers -

Wisps of black and white hair fluttered in his face, his attention immediately ripped away from them onto Miyuki as he felt her arms wrap around him, almost making him lose his balance from the sudden action. They both would've fallen if it weren't for his quick reflexes.

"That was fun!" Miyuki remarked as she hugged him. His cheeks pinkened as he looked down at her. "I enjoyed performing with you, Katsuki!"

In the next instant, as quickly as she came to him, she vanished, leaving the fresh, sweet scent of her perfume in her wake as she rushed off.


Katsuki blinked, looking down at the empty space in front of him. He looked up and saw his classmates slowly beginning to wind up from the performance as the gym emptied out completely. He casually clicked his tongue as he rubbed the back of his head. What was up with that? Where was she rushing off to? -

His eyes widened as it dawned on him.

"Oi, Bakugo!" Ejirou called, looking towards Katsuki as he marched off the stage and began collecting huge chunks of Shoto's ice from the ground. "Take these, too!"

"Huh?!" Katsuki exclaimed. He turned towards the redhead and his face twisted into a grimace when he saw the mountainous pile of ice standing behind him. "What the hell'd you stack it like that for?! Carry it yourself, damn it!"

"We'll be late for Miyuki-San's pageant, though!" Ejirou explained, watching as Katsuki stomped past him to help him collect the large mound of ice. "Thanks!"

"Sorry," Shoto spoke up, lugging his ice in a bucket as he made his way outside. "I made more than I thought. We'll miss Sasaki's performance because of me."

"Shut up and keep moving, Todoroki!" Katsuki yelled, pushing a dumpster's worth of ice out the gym's doors. "You're too slow, damn extras! Hurry!"

"Oh, I haven't heard that one in a while," Hanta commented with a light chuckle as he, Mina, and Rikido swept Momo's confetti off the floor and stage. "Isn't Class B using the gym after us?"

"I can't wait to see Miyuki-Chan in her dress!" Toru squealed as she picked two buckets of ice to take outside. "I bet she's gonna look so beautiful in it!"

"What about it, Sero?!" Minoru asked intensely, legs trembling as he carried a big bucket of the frozen shards. "Move it, move it!"

"No, they're somewhere else," Mina answered. "I heard they're doing a play!"

Katsuki hefted the ice into the outer basin they'd prepared to dump the it into earlier. He was conscious of the people still lingering around the gym area from the crowd that left recently, yet it was the sound of familiar hurrying footsteps that made him look over his shoulder. His gaze followed his childhood friend as he rushed back to the gym in his dance costume. He narrowed his eyes, noticing the light scuff marks on his face.

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