◆Chapter 36◇

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Lunch Time:

Miyuki chewed on the end of her pen as she looked over the list laid out in front of her. There were so many choices to make looking at all these agencies in front of her, but she was looking mostly to work under a more visual hero to work on her optical quirks.

If only working under Aizawa-sensei was an option.

She pouted. Even though he didn't seem very active, she would've loved to have had the chance to work under the Eraser Head.

Ren and Kasumi, being CEOs of an elite support company, were closely associated with many hero agencies across the country. As she went through the list, she saw at least fifteen or twenty of them listed there. Some were big names and others she hadn't heard of before, but she didn't even want to consider them to begin with. This internship was a chance for her to grow, not boost their name and brand in any way.

Her eyes then fell on a name at the top of the list and her brows furrowed in silent surprise.

How did I miss this one?

Listed there was Endeavour's agency and Miyuki examined his name with an intrigued expression. Why would a fire-based hero be interested in working with her in the first place? Could it maybe have something to do with his son? Or her likeness to him in both appearance and Quirk? Perhaps he was simply interested in the skill set she displayed during the festival?

Whatever the reason may be, Miyuki decided she would think about it.

A little more time spent perusing through the list and her green eyes widened more when she spotted another agency she somehow missed before as well –

Sir Nighteye's agency.

All Might-sensei's former sidekick?!

She looked again to make sure she was reading it correctly and sure enough, the name remained there in black and white.

I-I can't believe this is real!

"Yuki-Chan," Ochaco called, walking over to the half-and-half girl's desk. Miyuki looked up at her. "Have you decided yet on which agency you're going to yet?"

"Not yet," Miyuki replied, putting her chin in her hand. "Although, there are a few that have caught my eye. What about you, Ochaco-Chan? Are there any that interest you?"

"Yeah!" The brunette replied enthusiastically. "I was thinking of Gunhead's agency! Did you receive his invitation, Yuki-Chan?"

"I didn't, unfortunately," she replied shyly. Ochaco pouted.

"What about Uwabami-San's agency, Shizuka-San?" Momo asked as she calmly walked over to the two girls. "Have you received her invitation?"

"I did, but I'm looking to work with more visual Quirk heroes," Miyuki explained, feeling quite guilty for disappointing the two girls.

"Hey guys, have you decided what pro hero agency you're going to yet?" Mina asked as she joined Ochaco, Miyuki, and Momo with Kyoka.

"I'm going to Mt. Lady!" Mineta announced from the front.

"Mineta-Chan, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you?" Tsuyu questioned him.

"Of course not!" Minoru responded, which clearly wasn't the case as his mind went to something perverted.

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