◆Chapter 73◇

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"I'm sorry about my daughter, hero."

Miyuki pursed her lips as she looked up at the young yakuza. Chisaki smiled from behind his mask.

"She likes to play around a lot and keeps getting hurt," he explained. "I don't know what to do with her."

Chisaki, young leader of the Shie Hassaikai...

"It's normal for girls her age to play a lot," Miyuki heard herself say immediately. "I'm surprised you don't know this as a father of a girl child."

"Oh?" Chisaki asked, his golden eyes drifting to her face. "Is that so?"

"Your hood and mask came off again," Mirio pointed out, coming to stand in front of her as he flipped Izuku's mask over his face. "Maybe the sizing's off?"

Miyuki looked up at Mirio's figure standing in front of her, blocking Chisaki's view of her and the silver-haired girl. She glanced towards Izuku and saw his eyes wide with shock... and panic.

'Be careful not to let them suspect anything.'

That's right, she realized, quickly neutralising her expression the best she could. Our faces were too clear.

"We're sorry, too, for bumping into her," Mirio continued casually. "With that lovely mask, you must be from Hassaikai, right? You guys are famous around here."

"Yeah, don't worry about the mask. I'm sensitive to filth," Chisaki replied. He shot a glance behind the third year. "It's my first time seeing you three heroes."

"Right!" Mirio spoke up quickly, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "We're still new, so we're pretty nervous. Now, stand up, partners. Let's head toward a future we haven't seen yet!"

He's obviously on guard, Miyuki thought, seeing what she could of Chisaki from behind Mirio. She wished there was something she could do to figure out his Quirk - but the situation right now was too delicate for her to risk trying something like that.

"What agency do you belong to?" Chisaki inquired.

"We're students!" Mirio answered. "We're still so new that it'd be presumptuous to identify with an agency. We're just gaining some experience in different places for our internships. Anyway, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch. Let's go!"

"Yeah," Miyuki agreed, looking towards her senpai as he motioned for them to go. She looked down at the girl; her silver hair and red eyes. Something just didn't feel right, but...


She started to move, but paused when she heard a small voice -

"D... Don't go..."

Her small fists clenched around Miyuki and Izuku's hero costumes, tugging at the materials - tugging at her heartstrings as she saw the tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey..." Miyuki whispered soothingly, maintaining a calm composure despite her thrumming heart. She lightly placed her hand on her head. "What's wrong?"

"U-Um..." Izuku stammered. "Your daughter... seems scared..."

"It's because she just got a scolding," Chisaki responded, and Miyuki noticed the sharp edge in his voice.

"Let's go!" Mirio prompted energetically as he reached for the teenage girl's arm. "Come on." The little girl's grip tightened on her costume.

"Her bandages don't seem like they're from playing too much..." Izuku pointed out. The girl held onto them tighter, clearly not wanting them to go.

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