◆Chapter 100◇

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Disgust churned in her gut at the sight of Shigaraki Tomura resting in his pod. He was different to the scrawny man-child she remembered, his frame more built up and bulkier. His skin remained its sour white colour and his hair, once a sickly pale blue, now shone a stale white. Her eyes narrowed at his sleeping figure.

So this is what they've been up to, she realized, the anger boiling within rippling through the shadow and light around her fists as she punched the glass. The impact left a crack across its surface.

We can't allow him to go free!

"Stop...!" Garaki wailed, watching with an aggrieved expression as Miyuki pulled back her fists to hit it again. Before she could, however, another one of the Nomu's tentacles shot towards her.

A prickling sensation ran down the back of her neck and Miyuki tilted her head to the side in time, causing it to strike Tomura's pod instead. Garaki cried out once more as hairline fractures spread over the glass.

"Die already!" Mirko yelled, smashing the Nomu's brain again with the sole of her foot before jumping up to Shigaraki's capsule. "Lemme give you a hand, kid!"

The two female heroes powered up their attacks, Mirko rearing back her head and Miyuki bringing her fists down in a swirl of black light.



They landed the finishing blow simultaneously, the violet light of Garaki's lab shimmering in their eyes of the capsule's fracturing glass.


Doctor Garaki cried out as he watched his creation disassemble before his eyes, streams of the activation fluid squirting out of the large cracks.

Moments before Mirko and Miyuki landed back on the floor, though, the Nomu shot a tentacle through Mirko's leg and dragged her back before tossing her at Endeavour.

"Mirko!" Endeavour exclaimed as he caught his fellow pro hero, resulting in them flying out of the lab. His eyes widened, realising Miyuki was still with the Nomu. "Hikari!"

"I'll be okay!" Miyuki called back, deflecting a tentacle with a Saber of light. "Please take care of Mirko-San first. She is badly wounded!"

"Th-The system is..." Garaki stammered, fearful as his control board began short-circuiting. "W-Workin -" he was cut off by its explosion and he flinched back, tears pooling in his eyes. "N-N-No..!"

"I'll cauterize your wounds. Bear it," Endeavour told the female pro hero as he set her on the ground. "I owed you in Kyushu, and I owe you again. Don't die."

"Did I... do something?" Mirko asked, her voice muffled by the gag. "Don't rush to give all your praise to me, number one." She grunted in pain as Endeavour cauterized her wounded side. Mirko raised her eyes to look around them, but there wasn't a speck of black and white to be seen. "Hikari...? Endeavour, where's the kid? Where is she?"

The Flame hero looked up towards the lab just as a flash of bright light shone through its doors and the silhouette of the ribbed Nomu dropped down like a headless doll. He pursed his lips.

Back inside the lab, the doctor tried to make his escape after witnessing the High-Ends defeat. Miyuki noticed this and quickly pushed him to the ground, knocking him out in an instant, before restraining him and incinerating the Nomu's head. She'd made sure to take it clean off like she'd seen Mirko do earlier, also being extra careful to bind its body with her shadows, too.

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