◆Chapter 85◇

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When she woke up the following morning, Miyuki realized that her body was extraordinarily warm and her blanket felt a lot heavier than it usually did, quickly followed by the realisation that something gently pressed against her chest. Her vision was bleary when she opened her eyes, but it slowly cleared as she looked down and they nearly popped open.

How does this... keep happening?

Even though she was still half asleep, Miyuki managed to make out Katsuki's head on her chest, his leg thrown over hers and both of his arms wrapped around her waist. She blinked slowly before tilting her head to the side to see her blanket strewn partially over the floor closer to where Poncho slept soundly in his own bed. The pillow lay on the floor right beside him.

Exhaling quietly, the half-and-half girl readjusted the blanket carefully so she didn't wake up the blonde bomb lying on top of her. She realized that her mission failed when she looked down and met a pair of half-lidded crimson eyes.

"Sorry..." she whispered softly as she paused her movements. "It's still pretty early. You can go back to sleep."

"...what's the matter?" He asked, voice raspy. She felt him shift slightly as he raised his head to meet her eyes. "Too warm?"

She realized he was referring to the fact that half of his body was on op of hers and her cheeks dusted a rosy pink. "N-No, I'm fine. Just got a little cold..."

Katsuki stared at her before closing his eyes again. Then, in one swift movement, he pulled the blanket over their heads, covering them both completely.

"Your bed is small," the ash-blonde blonde boy grumbled drowsily, resting his head back onto its original place. Gradually, sleep took over his consciousness once more as the sound of her beating heart lulled him back into his dreams.

A small smile graced her face as she heard him snoring softly again within the next minute. Miyuki lay her hand upon the nape of his neck, playing with the small tufts of hair there as she, too, dozed back into a peaceful slumber.

An hour later, when he woke up next, Katsuki realized their positions had reversed and Miyuki had curled into him at some point during the night. He looked at her closed eyes, pushing back the few strands that had fallen into her face so they didn't tickle her nose.

How they found themselves here again, he couldn't remember well. After they spoke on the rooftop, he vaguely recalled her falling asleep against the table before he carried her up to her room. He meant to leave to go back to his room, but she held onto his hand, an undecipherable expression in her eyes.

Katsuki blinked when he felt her body shift beneath his arm and he found himself staring now at her emerald green orbs as she looked back at him. Her brows furrowed in some confusion before relaxing as she remembered what happened.

"...Good morning," she greeted, blinking away the last of the fatigue before her lips turned downwards into a frown. "I'm sorry - for making you stay up so late... and worrying you like that..."

"I went willingly," Katsuki replied truthfully, "and not because I was worried about you... a lot." He looked down at his arm still curled over her waist and he blushed profusely. "I wasn't even sure you were gonna be there. I was just following my intuition. I just didn't want you to... "

He mentally cursed at himself. Why was it so hard for him to find the words? He knew what it was he wanted to say to her. This feeling in his heart, even though it was foreign to him, despite grappling with himself to understand it...

Katsuki pursed his lips in annoyance. He was behaving like that damn nerd right now!

Yet he was pulled from his thoughts when he felt Miyuki wrap her arms around his neck. The sheets covering their legs tangled and the blanket slid off of them totally. Miyuki hid her face in the crook of his neck as she hugged him, causing his face to heat up at the gentle pressure of her body pressed against him.

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