◆Chapter 75◇

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The wait was finally over.

Izuku and Miyuki rushed downstairs using the boys' elevator as soon as they received the messages on their phones.

When they got to the first floor, Miyuki paused in her tracks when she saw Ejirou, Tsuyu, and Ochaco already there. She and Izuku joined them.

"Did you all get the message?" Ejirou asked. Miyuki nodded.

"Yeah," Ochaco replied.

"We did," Tsuyu said.

"The day we move," Izuku spoke up, looking down at his phone.

A silent resolve passed among her and her friends as they met each other's gazes. Miyuki tightly clutched her phone.

When the day arrived, every second felt too precious to lose. Miyuki rushed out of the dormitory with Izuku, Ejirou, Tsuyu, and Ochaco after hurrying through her morning routine, causing Katsuki to look at her strangely since she didn't greet him as she usually did, and the five of them met up with the Big Three in the meeting room of her father's agency.

The room was teeming with pro heroes again. Sir Nighteye quickly filled everyone in on their recent investigations and discoveries the last few days.

"Huh?!" Rock Lock exclaimed as soon as he finished explaining. Miyuki looked up from where she stood with Mirio and Izuku. "The Eri girl is in their stronghold?!"

"By stronghold, you mean..." Fat Gum trailed off.

"The residence of the head of the Hassaikai..." Ryukyu finished. Rock Lock huffed.

"What, so our investigations were for nothing?" He questioned.

"No, we were able to get new information as well," Sir Nighteye answered.

"How were you able to confirm this?" Fat Gum inquired.

Miyuki's brows furrowed deeply as she watched her father produce a pink doll set from seemingly nowhere and set it on the table he stood behind. Miyuki tilted her head as she looked at its name -

'Gung Ho! Glitter Squad 10!'

"A member of the Hssaikai went to a nearby department store the other day and bought playthings aimed at young girls," Sir Nighteye explained.

"Huh?" Fat Gum asked.

"What the heck...?" Rock Lock muttered.

"Maybe he just likes things like that!" Fat Gum theorised. "There are all types in this world, Nighteye! Anyway, why did you buy one, too? Isn't your daughter in high school?"

Miyuki flinched when the pro heroes turned to look at her. She sweat dropped and shook her head frantically.

"I-It's not for me!" She quickly explained, blushing in embarrassment.

"No, he said something that no one who has that sort of hobby would say," Sir Nighteye replied before explaining how the man was looking for a toy series that had changed, when he approached the man with the latest edition, giving him the chance to use his Quirk on him.

"You ended up using Foresight anyway?!" Rock Lock exclaimed.

"I believe I said I would use it once we narrowed it down so that we could be sure," Sir Nighteye responded.

"Anyway, this means it's been decided, right?" Fat Gum asked.

"We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts," Centipeder informed him.

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