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Miyuki, Izuku, and Melissa passed over Swordkil's unconscious form as they climbed the staircase onto the 198th level. The half-and-half girl wouldn't be suprised if they were to encounter villains on their ascent. In fact, she anticipated meeting them there -

So when they were intercepted by two gunmen at the top of the staircase, she nodded at Izuku before speeding toward them. She rushed through their barrage of bullets, deflecting them with her shields as she did, before taking one of them out with a swift punch while Izuku kicked the other man into the wall.

After making sure the path ahead was clear, Miyuki nodded to her friends and she, Izuku, and Melissa proceeded onto the 200th level, the top floor of the tower.

"Melissa-San, where's the control room?" Izuku asked as they ran down the corridor of the 200th level.

"In front of the elevator," the blonde girl replied.

"Wait," Miyuki sharply whispered, putting her arm out to stop the other two from going around the corner when she heard a new voice, although this one didn't sound threatening. She looked around it at the open lab with her Quirk. "Someone's here." Melissa leaned forward slightly.

"Papa?" She whispered, the shock evident in her voice upon seeing her father working at the computers inside the lab.

"Oh, it is!" Izuku agreed.

"Why is he on the top floor...?" Melissa asked, concerned.

"He is the island's top scientist, so the villains must have forced him here to make him to do something against his will," Miyuki spoke up, eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to decipher the professor's words. She faintly heard the sound of another voice.

"We have to save him!" Melissa immediately said.

"We will," Miyuki assured.

"Yes," Izuku agreed, nodding at his best friend before the three of them started quietly making their way towards the lab.

Miyuki looked around the corridor for any villains that may be hiding as they went, also making use of the Transpara goggles as she did. However, the floor was completely empty and her suspicions mounted at this realisation.

From what she could see inside the storage room, it was only David Shield and his assistant, Samuel Abraham, inside. There were no villains working within or even guarding them. But why would they do that? Why would they leave the two scientists alone in there when they could free the hostages at any point?

"I was able to unlock it," David said suddenly. This caught Miyuki's attention and she looked at him. "Go to block 1147."

"O-Okay!" Responded Samuel as he rushed up the stairs. "I'm opening it." He pulled out a briefcase and opened it, displaying its contents to the professor. "You did it, professor! Everything is here."

"Yes, I've finally gotten it back," David sighed. "This device and research data are the only things I would never give to anyone. I'll never give it up!"

"Everything's going according to plan, isn't it?" Samuel asked him, and Miyuki's eyes widened as the reality of the situation finally dawned on her. "It looks like the villains are doing well, too."

"Thank you. It was all because you arranged everything for me, Sam."

"Papa..." Melissa called, shocked.

"Mel... Melissa," David stammered, whipping around to face his daughter.

"Miss, what are you doing here?" Samuel asked.

"What do you mean 'arranged?'" Melissa asked, her voice riddled with disbelief as she slowly approached her father. "Papa, don't tell me you're the one behind this incident? In order to get that device...? Is that true, Papa?"

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