◆Chapter 80◇

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Before long, the summer waned away from them, giving way for the cooler months of September and October to make their entry. The gaiety of spring arrived throughout Japan as the sakura began to bloom along with the ripening fauna.

Yet as they greeted the season's new life, the work study students closely involved with the Shie Hassaikai incident - Nejire, Tamaki, Mirio, Izuku, Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Ejirou - gathered together with All Might, Miyuki, and Aizawa to say their final goodbyes at Sir Nighteye's funeral.

The former number one hero knelt beside Miyuki as she bid her father one last goodbye, offering her a comforting shoulder when she cried afterwards.

As for the work study students, following a discussion between U.A. and the pro heroes about the work studies, it was decided they would wait to see what to do next.

In his absence, Sir Nighteye's agency was taken over by his sidekick, Centipeder, until Miyuki graduated from U.A. Aizawa legally became her Guardian in accordance with her father's will and her homeroom teacher seemed to have taken on the role diligently.

Eri, who had finally regained consciousness, remained under quarantine, taking into account her emotional instability and that her Quirk could go off at any time.

Visitors still weren't allowed to see her, but permission was given only to Aizawa who was needed around to stop her Quirk if it went out of control. Soon, he started taking Miyuki with him so Eri could have another, more familiar face around apart from his to help put her at ease. The two girls got on very well - Miyuki used the sunlight in the younger girl's room to make snow-like showers for her as well as fluffy animals she played with.

The half-and-half girl was also pleased to learn that her fever had gone down, as did her horn. It was now the size of a bump and didn't seem to be causing Eri any more trouble. It was something that intrigued her immensely.

From what the doctors were able to gather, Eri's Quirk was a mutated form of her family's Quirk. Miyuki felt empathetic towards her since she had first-hand experience of what the consequences of having a Quirk like that could do, including the burdens that came with knowing you were a little more odd than those around you.

"Have the doctors given a date yet for when she'll be discharged from the hospital?" Miyuki asked Aizawa as they drove back to the dorms. Evening was already setting in and visiting hours at the hospital had just ended.

"Not yet," her homeroom teacher replied in his usual monotone. "They're still being careful with her Quirk. Even though they let you into her room today, they're still very cautious about it reawakening at the slightest provocation."

"I see," Miyuki said, frowning slightly. Aizawa noticed the sudden change in her tone.

"I understand your concerns, but worrying won't speed up the process," Aizawa informed her. Miyuki nodded in understanding as they drew near class 1-A's dormitory building. "The both of you should get as much rest as possible from your ordeals. Before you can fully heal physically, you should have your mental and emotional states in good condition first."

"You're right," Miyuki replied, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. "The both of us will heal ourselves together." He glanced at her as the car stopped in front of the building. "Thank you, sensei." She smiled at him before getting out of the vehicle.

'Help me raise Miyuki to become a great hero. Protect my daughter with your life, if you must.'

"Sasaki," Aizawa called. Miyuki paused on the pathway and turned around to face him. He exhaled quietly, pushing down his own concerns.

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