Miyuki hated to think of what could've been had Best Jeanist and the Shiketsu High students not arrived when they did, and she was relieved not to as she looked up at the villains subdued by Best Jeanist's thread, including Gigantomachia and Zin. The latter, she noticed, was quick to try and burn away the restraints, but Inasa swiftly hit him with a gust of wind that slammed him to the ground, allowing the number three hero to wrap more threads around him.
"Machia, break yourself free and catch up to the High-Ends," The villain ordered, eyes glinting venomously as he destroyed Best Jeanist's thread with Decay. "I'll take care of them!"
Miyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki were pulled back by the real Endeavour as the giant villain started climbing to his feet, saving them from getting squashed.
"Endeavour!" Izuku exclaimed the same time Miyuki shouted, "Endeavour-San!"
The four of them toppled to the ground as Machia rose. But Miyuki couldn't help but notice the sluggish movements of the giant villain, like he'd been tranquilized. Before he could stand up fully, though, Best Jeanist restrained his legs with more threads from his Quirk and he fell with a crash.
"We will spin together..." Best Jeanist landed on his web of threads, looking down at Gigantomachia. "...the threads of hope!"
Zin cursed under his breath, realizing he couldn't use Decay now as he'd planned since his biggest trump card was close by. Before he could think of another tactic to rid himself of the heroes, a sludge of fleshy meat smashed into his abdomen and another hit his arms, trapping them at his sides.
"Is that All for One?! I thought he, like, didn't have a face!" Camie said, slightly taken aback as she looked down at the shirtless Zin. "He's hot! And young!"
"Weren't you listening to the report on the jet?!" Seiji yelled, a tick mark slapping onto his face. Miyuki watched beside Izuku and Katsuki as he zipped towards her brother, riding on a large finger. "That's his son. Still, I would like nothing more than to kill him for what his father did to mine. But, alas..."
"Nope!" Inasa stepped in. "Can't give in to spite and hatred. That'd be giving the new big bad what he wants!"
"I apologize!" Best Jeanist told the injured heroes. "It took longer than expected for us all to arrive from Shiketsu High."
"Yoarashi-Kun... Shishikura-Kun..." Miyuki mumbled, looking towards the Shiketsu High students as they fought against Zin.
Shoto looked towards the new arrivals, his eyes widening when he saw Inasa get blown back by one of the silver-haired villain's attacks.
"Yoarashi!" He shouted, rushing over to the Shiketsu first year. Inasa pulled himself up and his face lit up when he saw Shoto coming his way. "Are you alright?!"
"Yeah. That guy packs a mean swing," Inasa replied, accepting the half-and-half boy's hand held out to him with an amicable grin, "but I've taken harder hits!"
"Good," Shoto said, turning his gaze to the flashes coming from the distance.
No doubt that was Nejire and the other heroes going up against the Nomus Zin had sent to attack Tartarus. He hoped she'd relayed the message to them and called for reinforcements. Even so, the Shiketsu High students couldn't have arrived at a better time.
"Then, you can help us stop the High-Ends from reaching Tartarus," the half-and-half boy explained.
"Tartarus?" Inasa questioned, stunned.
Best Jeanist squinted his eyes as he looked towards Zin. "Does the boy plan on freeing his father from the prison amidst all this chaos? Regardless of whether that might be the case, we cannot allow him to do what he wants. Yoarashi, go with a group of your peers and assisst the heroes in stopping those creatures."

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...