"This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes."
Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...
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He struck.
Miyuki, with little time to react, shielded Izuku the best she could and awaited the killing blow. When it didn't come, she looked up.
"All Might!"
He'd intercepted the villain's arms from hitting her and Izuku.
"I really am pathetic," said the Number One hero. "Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice! Pros are always risking their lives! All Might - Detroit Smash!"
Miyuki gawked.
This was her first time seeing All Might in action with her very eyes! He moved fast, unbelievably fast, and he released the boy from the villain's clutches in one move. With a burst of adrenaline, she caught an unconscious Katsuki before he could hit the ground and gently set him by a knocked out Izuku.
Miyuki watched as All Might did away with the villain in a single powerful Detorit Smash, resulting in a great and unexpected amount of wind pressure that sent her bangs whipping in her face. She skidded back from the great gale, doing her best to keep herself and the unconscious boys from being blown away.
The once clear sky became overrun with clouds from the wind pressure and soon rain began to fall. Miyuki looked up, stunned.
"Don't tell me it's from the wind pressure just now?"
"An updraft developed and... he made... clouds?"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" All Might said to the gathering crowd. They cheered for him as he stood triumphant once again, his right fist raised high.
She continued to stare at him, not at all minding the dark tattooes that had crawled up her neck, the rain drenching her nor the flooding crowds and rushing heroes -
This is... the power of All Might?
The power of a hero?
She couldn't comprehend it. He'd done something that might have taken other heroes longer in two strikes, and on top of that he changed the weather with a single punch.
Just one.
He really is cool...
All her teacher's negative words faded as she drank it all in.
All Might turned back to face her and the two unconscious boys and gave her a thumbs up. Her heart swelled as she stared at her hero. The people around him were singing his praises continually.