When she activated her Quirk, Miyuki started to feel a little light-headed and when she swiped a hand across her brow, her fingertips came back wet with blood.When did that happen?
She could wonder about that later. For now, she had to help her friends and defeat these villains. It was clear to her now that Shigaraki's sole intent was to have her Quirk for himself, and that would be the last thing she was going to let happen.
Miyuki spun her bo staff when Tomura began running towards them, more specifically, in her direction.
"Hey, we've gotta do this after all!" Ejirou said when he saw Tomura racing towards them, his hand stretched out for Miyuki's throat.
But he was intercepted when All Might rushed toward the Nomu and slammed his fist into the bioengineered beast, creating a shockwave that sent Miyuki skidding back slightly, but she managed to hold her ground with the help of her staff.
"Damn," Tomura grunted, skidding back from the force of the shockwaves as well. "Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did," All Might responded, exchanging blow after blow with the Nomu until he landed a hit that made the creature stagger backwards.
"A head-on fistfight...?" Izuku asked as all of them were forced back from the force of the punches.
"W-Wow!" Ejirou exclaimed before falling back.
Miyuki lowered herself, her black and white hair whipping around her from the force of the punches coming from the fight. She and the boys did their best to avoid being blown back, keeping their eyes on the fight going on in front of them.
Although, it was hard to keep track.
Miyuki stopped trying to understand what was going on a short while ago as All Might and the Nomu's punches became so quick they were nothing more than a blur of fists and collisions.
"I-I can't get near them," Kurogiri said as he returned to Tomura's side.
"If your Quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption, then there's a limit to it, right?!" All Might stated. "Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!"
All Might slammed his fists harder into the Nomu and Miyuki's eyes widened in amazement, realizing he wasn't going to give the Nomu a chance to rest. "He's seriously going above one hundred percent!"
"A hero..." All Might started, and they watched intently as he punched and kicked the Nomu far up into the air. "...can always break out of a tough spot!"
All Might grabbed the Nomu and spun him around before throwing him to the ground.
Miyuki, Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, and Ejirou all stared with wide eyes as the Nomu's body hurtled towards the ground at an inhuman speed, colliding onto the earth with such force an enormous crater was made around it, shattering the ground. It did not move - not yet.
"Hey, villain, have you ever heard these words?!" All Might questioned as he landed beside the Nomu. When it tried to get back up, he sent a powerful punch to its abdomen. "Go beyond! Plus... Ultra...!"
The Nomu flew from the force of his punch, soaring right through the dome glass ceiling of the U.S.J and Miyuki activated her Eagle Vision, watching in utter disbelief as it did not stop going for quite a distance.
"Is this some comic book?" Ejirou asked, blown away after witnessing All Might's full power. "It's like he nullified the shock absorption. His brute strength is crazy."

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...