◆Chapter 87◇

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Izuku stood by his best friend's side as they both looked up at the big screen displaying the training ground. Nothing had happened yet, though, as they were only seeing the various empty spots right now. The teams had dispersed and the fighting was yet to properly begin.

"Tsu-Chan's frog-like ability to blend in with her environment seems like it'll give them a huge boost against the other team..." Izuku said thoughtfully as the screen switched to show Class A's team. Tsuyu scouted ahead of them, camouflaged against the wall.

"That's true," Miyuki agreed, holding her chin, "although, if you know where to look in the first place, she's easy to find. Not to mention Shishida-Kun's Quirk..."

"Heightens his senses, so he can sniff out her scent easily," Izuku finished, nodding along.

"Aside from that, it looks like Kaminari-Kun is reluctant to hurt the others," Miyuki continued.

"Which could be a major disadvantage later on," Izuku noted and Miyuki nodded. "Shinso looks pretty eager to go ahead, though..." he trailed off when Miyuki tensed suddenly as a pair of pigeons flew over to Koji. "What's wrong, Yuki-Chan?"

"Those birds, I don't think it was wise to use them," she explained, her brows creased with concern. "It could lead Class B's team right to them."

Just as she feared, Jurota sprung out and attacked Ejirou and Tsuyu first as he sent them both flying into walls with his Roaring Rage super move.

"We took into consideration that Koda would search for the enemy," Jurota said. "Also that you would most likely be wary of Shiozaki! Using her as a decoy, I snuck in to get close! If we let you prep, then it was likely that Kaminari would be able to do whatever he wanted. Therefore, we decided to simply invade. I have an acute sense of smell!"

"Shoot," Miyuki murmured as she looked at Denki's uneasy expression.

"You can't use your electricity with your friends around, can you?" Asked Tsuburaba Kosei from Jurota's back. "Kaminari Denki!"

"They went on the offense right away," Miyuki noted, brows furrowing as she tried to recall Kosei's Quirk from the training camp.

"I've got a new move after improving my Quirk!" Kosei announced as he put his hands around his mouth. "Air prison! A solitary confinement cell that won't allow any sound in!"

He trapped Koda in a solidified cube made of air. However, Miyuki's eyes drifted to Hitoshi as he began messing with the dials of his mask -

"All right!" He shouted in Kosei's voice, causing Miyuki and Izuku's eyes to widen in surprise. "Drive them out, Shishida!"

"You've got it!" Jurota responded, only to freeze immediately after doing so.

"Good work!" Denki exclaimed as the beast's arms flopped to his sides.

"Was he brainwashed?" Kosei asked, shocked. "That guy... He talked with my voice..."

"Yuki-Chan, that mask..." Izuku spoke up, taken aback.

"My other vocal chords..." Hitoshi said. "Persona Cords."

Taking advantage of the situation, Hitoshi used his Capture Weapon to restrain Jurota and Kosei - but the latter intercepted his attack, trapping him in an air prison while smacking his teammate out of his brainwashing.

"On the other hand, Shinso-Kun's combat skills look like they could still use some improvement..." Miyuki muttered as Hitoshi began pounding his fists against the Air prison.

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