Entering Manga territory - Read at your own risk (if you are an anime-only fan or not caught up with chapters 340 onwards in the manga)!
Somewhere near the coast of Japan...
A sleek black vehicle zipped down the road by the waterfront just as the sun finished making its ascension over the horizon, further illuminating the bent and broken railings the number one hero flew over as he moved alongside the car. Inside, Lady Nagant held her chin in her hand as she stared out the window of the backseat at the world moving past them, meanwhile Hawks absent-mindedly played with his seat belt in the passenger seat and Best Jeanist remained intently focused on the road ahead as he drove.
Lady Nagant's eyes squinted as she looked away from the calm blue waters towards the back of the driver's seat.
"Did those stiff necks at the Safety Commission finally get back on who the UN's going to send out?" She asked the two pro heroes.
Best Jeanist glanced warily over his shoulder at her before looking towards Hawks. The number two hero smirked lightly and Lady Nagant let out a sigh, knowing full well why she was still getting that sort of look from him.
"Hey, it's okay. We can trust her now," Hawks told his comrade, smiling positively. "She agreed to help us out."
"Excuse me if I come across as somewhat stand-offish, Lady Nagant-san, Hawks-San," Best Jeanist spoke, keeping his gaze on the road. "Your motives still aren't clear to me, although I am grateful for your allegiance. Right now, we can use as much help as we can receive, but I still find it odd that an escaped convict such as yourself changed her mind so suddenly."
"I'm not a spy," Lady Nagant said just as Hawks opened his mouth to speak. "And I couldn't care less for your trust in me as long as I don't see history repeat itself because of them. We've got a common enemy now, that's what's most important, so let's just focus on that for now. You can question my 'allegiance' as much as you like after we're through and I'm back behind bars."
"See? Didn't I say we could trust her?" Hawks asked, beaming cutely. Best Jeanist sweatdropped and Lady Nagant pulled her leather jacket closer to her body as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, the response to All Might's request wasn't exactly what we hoped for, but we just got word that Star and Stripe is on her way." His phone pinged and he pulled it out from his jacket. "Actually, she'll be entering our Airspace soon."
"A big-time Maverick from the West, huh?" Lady Nagant mused, feeling a bit more at ease to know they were getting such a heavy-hitter on their side.
"After meeting up, let's start planning right away," Best Jeanist said immediately.
"It's seriously reassuring to have Star on our side..." Hawks breathed. "But are they gonna throw the book at her? Y'know, after all this?"
"At a time like this?" Lady Nagant spoke up. "Probably. But she's just the kind of person we need to take down Zin and All for One. Who knows what they could've been planning while he was 'dead'."
"That's right. Her nature may prove our salvation," Best Jeanist agreed, glancing at the lady in the backseat. "For quite some time now, I've wanted to chat with her... about that vintage denim from the Gold Rush."
Hawk's eyes widened when his earpiece buzzed to life spontaneously, cutting him off before he could respond to Best Jeanist.
"This is Tsukauchi!" Came the detective's voice in his earpiece. "Endeavour! Hawks! You listening?! A report came in just now! Along her flight path, 50km ahead of the landing point... is him! He's shown himself!!"

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...