The sun rose behind her as she approached the grave. It was marked by a single cross and decorated with withered flowers from a few weeks ago. There was no name for the girl's eyes to look at apart from an engraving on the wood.
'Here lies the old woman.'
As she kneeled down on the dewy grass, she set down the fresh bouquet she brought with her from the village.
"Good morning," Miyuki greeted with a soft smile. "I brought your favourites today."
She wasn't actually sure if these were her favourites. She could only assume they were because these were the flowers she found on her grave the first time she visited.
"I hope you're at peace," she whispered as she stood up. She dusted off her apron then sighed. Miyuki turned around and looked at the small village . It was still bathed in a fading darkness as the sun rose. She better hurry back before it did, otherwise she might get another lashing for her tardiness.
"I have to go now. I'll keep practicing," she promised, then the black and white-haired girl bowed before running back towards her house.
Well, it wasn't hers, not really. It was the healer's home, and she was relieved as she reached the path that the cottage stood at the edge of the village.
Miyuki bent over to catch her breath.
Why did I choose to wear this corset today?
When she straightened, her eyes fell on the cozy wood cottage just at the end of the path. Smoke was coming out of its chimney, which meant the healer was awake.
Her eyes widened.
I almost forgot!
Miyuki started running again, but this time she was running towards the village and at an even greater speed than before.
I can't believe I almost forgot about the errand!
Last night at supper, the healer had entrusted to her the assignment of picking up the next batch of medicines from the apothecary. Such tasks were usually left to the messenger boy, but he had fallen ill yesterday afternoon. She found it quite ironic.
The apothecary was the first building in the village square and it stood out with its sharp red roof. Still, Miyuki nearly ran down the other street and missed it. She made a u-turn as quick as possible.
"Good morning, Yucchan!" A mouse-like creature greeted from behind a counter. His large moustache raised as he gave the panting girl a close-eyed smile. "What can I do for you this lovely morning?"
"I..." Miyuki took a deep breath then straightened herself quickly. "Chiyou-sama sent me to pick up the new batch today. I forgot on my way here so I am quite late!" She bowed deeply. "I apologize!"
"Ah, late?" His mouse-like ears twitched. "You're right on time! They came in just a few hours ago, so they're freshly packed for you..." He hopped down from his stool and picked up a box from behind the counter. Climbing back onto the stool, he pushed them towards Miyuki who accepted them gratefully. "Everything you and Chiyou-San need for the next month is in here, so please be careful with it, Yucchan!"
"I will," Miyuki promised. She tenderly picked up the box of colourful vials and potions with both hands. "Thank you!" She gave a quick bow, then ran out of the apothecary.
Miyuki looked up at the sky as she jogged down the streets and her heartbeat quickened.
Oh no!

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』
Fanfiction_______________________________ "This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes." _________________________________ Nothing about Miyuki's past was clear. All she and anyone ever knew was the strange girl was found abandoned and covered in b...