◆Chapter 129◇

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The next day...

"This morning segment we bring to you - Who was the villain Shigaraki Akihiko, more infamously known as Zin?"

Miyuki paused in tucking away strands of hair behind her ear, right where the translucent butterfly pin was clipped.

"He was scary as hell. I'm so glad he got taken out!"

"One of our friends died."

"He's the worst! A killer! It's unbelievable how he screwed things up so horribly. He was worse than Shigaraki Tomura!"

"Maybe he was... unable to stop. That's what I think."

"At first, we all thought he was just a random henchman. No one imagined he'd become such a threat!"

Oh, no. I'm going to be late, Miyuki thought, checking her wrist watch. She grabbed a crutch and got up when the news reporter started speaking on the reconstruction efforts on the areas damaged heavily in the war. Her heart clenched slightly when the woman asked again, "Just who was the League of Villain's vanguard commander turned leader?"

The corner of her mouth turned upwards slightly.

He... enjoyed red jelly.

Or at least that's what she'd been told in the brief message he'd left in the butterfly clip. After Izuku had given it to her, along with her brother's parting words, the clip brightened when she had touched it and started playing on its own.

"I could sure go for some red jelly right about now... Man. Have one for me, you little brat."

Then it stopped, and never played again. She couldn't tell if it was a pre-recorded message or a part of some audio diary or even a message from beyond the grave. Whatever it might've been, that was the first and last proper interaction she'd ever have with Akihiko.

And it made her smile, even now as she started making her way to school.

"Mimi," Tsukauchi called as she stepped into the hospital's waiting lounge. Izuku was with him, as was All Might in his wheelchair. She waved excitedly and hobbled towards them at a surprisingly brisk pace.

"Tsukauchi-oji-san, All Might-sensei, Izuku, good morning!" She greeted when she reached them. "You're all here. How was the meeting... with Spinner?" She asked Izuku.

He'd gone to pay the last member of the League a visit that morning, although he didn't really go into so much detail upfront. She suspected it had something to do with Shigaraki and so didn't press on the matter too much. She just hoped Izuku was okay.

"Did you manage to tell him everything?" All Might asked.

"Yes," answered the green-haired boy. He glanced at Miyuki briefly. "I told him."

"Now, about what happened to Chisaki..." Tsukauchi started. He turned to Miyuki. She gave him a small nod, assuring him it was fine to go ahead even though her heart was racing a mile a minute.

The leader of the Shie Hassaikai had visited Chisaki in prison shortly after waking up from the coma his student forced him into with his Quirk. The talk had been brief, according to Tsukauchi, but a few things were for sure - the Shie Hassaikai were disbanded for good. That relieved Miyuki, more so hearing how the older man intended for Chisaki to right the wrongs he'd done to Eri.

"...And to you as well, Miyuki," Tsukauchi finished.

"Thank you," she said lowly.

"Thank you so much, Tsukauchi-San," Izuku said, pushing All Might's wheelchair as they exited the hospital.

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