◆Chapter 47◇

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Match 10: Midoriya, Bakugo, & Sasaki vs All Might:

We have to escape and cause as little destruction as possible.

Miyuki looked between Izuku and Katsuki, a plan forming in her mind as she did. Knowing well their relationship with one another, and both of their relationships with her, working together was going to be like trying to pull out a thorn embedded in concrete. Still, they needed something.

We're up against All Might, of all people!

"Izuku, Blasty," Miyuki spoke up as they passed through the gate into their exam location. "I think we should avoid engaging with All Might as much as possible. Instead, one of us should try to escape. With your explosions and my light, Blasty, we can distract All Might long enough for Izuku to pass through the gates. If need be, I can restrain him with puppeteer." She made the fog dance in her hands. "Although, if it really does come down to a fight then we could -"

Katsuki scoffed and started walking away from them. Her shoulder's slumped... but then she quickly straightened herself and shared a look with Izuku.

"Team Midoriya, Bakugo, and Sasaki, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"It's okay, Yuki-Chan," Izuku, trying to assure his teammate, but Miyuki was looking at where Katsuki had gone off to. "We can try and escape ourselves-"

But the half-and-half girl was already jogging ahead to catch up to the ash-blonde boy as he walked into the cityscape. Izuku rushed to catch up with them both, although he failed to see how they could construct a plan amongst the three of them.

"Hey!" Miyuki called out, catching up to the explosive boy. "We have to figure something out. If you have a plan of some kind, Izuku and I are willing to listen and we can – Hey! Are you even listening to me?"

She huffed in frustration when he still hadn't acknowledged her. Just what could she say that would convince him to listen? The last time he did, they lost the match. Is that why he was ignoring her? 

No, he's not so petty, Miyuki thought.

So what could she do? She didn't want to force him to cooperate in any way. Doing so wouldn't work to their advantage against the number one hero since they'd just end up fighting amongst themselves.

Finally, Izuku took a deep breath of courage and matched pace with Katsuki.

"Ka-Chan," he started, "For this exam, the teacher is the villain and we're the heroes, so we need to keep in mind the villain's combat ability and choose to either fight or run, but in our case, the villain is All Might and fighting against him is dangerous - I think it's a really bad idea, anyway, and Yuki-Chan agrees - Wait, Ka-Chan!"

"Stop following me!" Katsuki shouted at the both of them now that the green-haired boy had spoken up. Miyuki and Izuku sighed.

"I-If we keep going straight, All Might will probably be waiting for us," Izuku said, trying to buy them time to get to the ash-blonde boy. "We should make a detour -"

"Why should we run away?" Katsuki interjected angrily. "It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!"

"'Beating' up All Might-sensei is a Herculean effort and it would take too long," Miyuki said, still trying to reason with him. "Not to mention we'd run out of time and strength before we could."

"W-We should avoid combat if we can no matter what!" Izuku agreed.

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!" He said loudly, walking away from them faster at the mere sound of Izuku's voice.

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