◆Chapter 14◇

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Miyuki dodged one villain's punch. She used their momentum against them and spun them around a few times before letting go and their body collided with three other villains in one go. The four of them were taken down and didn't get back up.

"It's a shame you're not ugly," growled a man, charging at her with two boulders for fists. He pushed himself into the air and came hurtling down towards Miyuki, a maniacal grin on his face. "Then I wouldn't feel bad for smashing your head in...!"


The ground rumbled like the beginning of an earthquake and a dense cloud of dust and debris covered the area, catching the other surrounding villains in it as well. They raised their arms to shield their faces from the flying rocks and broken materials.

"Dammit! What's with that pressure?!"

"Hey, don't kill 'er just yet!"

"Yeah, leave a piece for the rest of us, bastard!"

When it cleared, there was no sign of Miyuki and there was a big crater in place of where she stood.

"Heh." The villain smirked, revealing sharp canines. He lifted his fists, ready to appreciate his masterpiece. "Too easy - Hrrk!"

A shadow baton came hurtling out of the dust like a boomerang, hitting him so hard in the back of the head he was knocked out before he hit the ground before it did the same to ten other villains. The rest looked on, bewildered, when it was caught by a waiting hand covered in black.

Miyuki's green eyes glowed through the clearing dust. When it finally dissipated, it was revealed she was already in a fighting stance holding two shadow batons.

I got him, didn't I? Miyuki wondered as she looked over the small army of villains. Then they landed on the boulder handed man lying on the ground as well as a few others.

She blew a lock of white hair out of her face before attacking the remaining villains.

"There she is!"

"Get her!"

A muscular villain carrying a giant bazooka cannon knelt on the ground and fired. Another rained punches down on her. Miyuki grunted as she twisted her body away from the fiery ball hurtling towards her, then raised her arms to shield her face and abdomen from the other villain's iron fists. The bazooka blast blew a ruined building to smithereens behind her. Miyuki's arms were stinging from the hits she was taking, so she kicked the villain's side, sending him back and briefly stopping his attacks.


A woman with an oversized sledgehammer came rushing at her from behind. The bazooka fired another blast, and the other villains came charging from all directions.

"Attack all at once!"

"Don't give her a chance!"

Miyuki's breathing quickened as she tried to size up her opponents, but there were just too many of them. Their attacks were coming at her from all sides. If she didn't do something soon, she'd be dead.

Was this the torture he was speaking of just now...?

All of their attacks converged on her. Rather than hitting their mark, however, they were stopped and repelled by a bright dome-like shield. The villains tried to dodge as they dived out of the way, but their own attacks came back at them tenfold and with startling speed. The ruins zone became more ruinous as bodies went flying and quirks thrown back decimated the ground and surrounding structures alike.

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