Chapter 128

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"You guys sure you have everything you need?" Mary-Beth asked, watching as the kids carried down two crates of food to the horses.

"Yes, Aunt Mary-Beth." Nick said with a light chuckle.

"Alright," she smiled and walked down the stairs, "you two be careful going home, okay?"

"We will." They finished strapping the crates to the back of their horses and turned. They both hugged their Aunt before climbing up on their horses and heading through town. Mary-Beth watched them leave, and once they disappeared from her sight, she stepped away and back into her little house.

Erika spurred Sapphire a little to ride side by side with her brother. She smiled lightly. "Thank you for taking me out, Nick." She looked over at him. "Turns out I really needed it."

"Anytime you wanna go out riding, let me know. I'm sure I can convince Pa to let us."

Erika smiled. "You probably could."


Amelia groaned as she rolled over on the cot John and Abigail had provided for her and Arthur. They had two separate ones laid side by side in the living room. She rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the headache that lingered. It didn't help that she was positioned right in front of the window where the sun hit her face directly.

She flipped away towards where Arthur was lying. He was turned towards her, his mouth slightly parted as he slept. She sat up halfway on her elbows, looking down at him as he slept soundly. Amelia stood slowly, rubbing her eyes again before making her way towards the kitchen to put on a cup of coffee.

Once it was made, she leaned against the counter as she sipped it. She was working on her second cup when Abigail came in the kitchen, groaning as she rubbed her temples. She poured herself a cup and looked at Amelia.

"Why did you let me drink that much?"

"I didn't make you do shit." Amelia chuckled. "You did that all on your own."

"Never let me drink that much again."


Amelia watched as Abigail took another sip of her coffee before setting it down on the counter and going back to rubbing her temples as she walked away. Arthur sauntered into the kitchen and sat down on the floor next to the sink. Amelia looked down at him skeptically. He looked miserable. He looked up at her with a raised brow before reaching out his hand, asking silently for help standing.

She set her cup down and pulled her husband to his feet. The sunlight flooded his dark sapphire eyes as he squinted them, trying to rid the hangover he had. Amelia smiled and rubbed his arm.

"We all have hangovers, believe me." She said with a laugh.

"Can't believe we drank that much over the kids." He groaned.

"And you got into another fight." Amelia reminded him.

"I remember that. Can't remember with who."

"Well, you first swung at Charles. Knocked his drunk ass to the ground. And then you slugged Jack."

Arthur's eyes went wide. "Shit."

Amelia nodded. "Shit indeed." She laughed.

"Are they okay?"

"Charles has a busted lip. And Jack got a bloody nose and split eyebrow."

"I really took a swing at my nephew?" He asked, still in shock.

"You did," she laughed, "but he got you back."

"Did he really?"

"Go look in the bathroom mirror."

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