Questioning (MattXClint)

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Summary: When Barton has to bring in Murdock for questioning, complications arise.

Third Person's POV

"Got any missions?" Barton asked Stark as they were just relaxing in the common area.

"Call Fury" Was all the genius said, "We just went on one like yesterday"

"But I'm bored" The archer whined, he rolled around on the sofa and pulled faces at Stark. Tony just smirked and sat up pulling up a computer screen. He looked at the most recent headlines and scanned through them.

"There is one thing" Stark mentioned, Barton sat up and looked at Tony eagerly.

"What?" He grinned.

"There's a vigilante on the loose, catch him and bring him in for questioning" Stark explained, Clint raised an eyebrow and Stark slid the screen over to Barton. The archer studied the headlines and soon gaped, Tony wondered what was going on. "Are you ok?"

"I know this guy" Barton whispered, scrolling down. "It's Matt"

"You know the guy?! Police and SHIELD have been trying to hunt him down"

"I know"

"Why didn't you bring him in then?!"

"Because he's a friend and he really is trying to help!"

"Just bring him in ok?" Stark smiled, Clint just grumbled but ended up agreeing.


"Anyone home?" Barton waltzed into the office, Karen was doing some paperwork at her desk.

"Sir if- Oh hi Clint!" She grinned, the archer walked over and set a coffee on her desk. She smiled and thanked him, she was always too busy to buy her own coffee, so Clint ended up helping her. "If you're looking for Matt he's inside with Foggy"

"They have a case or something?"

"Yeah just a pro bono" She replied, "A client is in there right now, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you popped in"

Clint just nodded and moved towards the door opening it slowly, Matt and Foggy were sitting on one side of the table while the client was in a chair talking to them. Matt seemed to notice Clint and so did Foggy, Foggy have him a small smile but then went back to questioning the client.

"Can you describe the individual for us Miss May?" Matt asked.

"H-he was quite tall and had a beard" The lady explained.

"And did you see where he ran off to after he assaulted you?"

"No, he just ran down the street. I'm not sure where"

"Well thank you for helping us, we'll investigate straight away" Matt smiled, "Foggy can you escort her out"

Foggy just nodded and did just that, Matt stood up and faced towards Clint who was leaning by the door.

"Hello Clint" He smiled, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Hey Matt, it's been a while and as a matter of fact there is" Clint smiled nervously.

"Is something wrong? Your heartbeat just escalated"

"U-uh I just have a favour to ask of you, it really wasn't my idea!"

"What is it? It's alright"

"The Avengers want me to bring you in for questioning" The archer explained, there was a moment of silence before Murdock opened his mouth to speak.

"That should be fine as long as they let me go"

"They trust me with you, I'll just take you back, ask you routine questions and you're good to go"

Matt nodded, "Shall we leave now?"

"Sure, I'm really sorry about this" Clint sighed, moving closer to Matt who looped his hand around Barton's arms. "I told them that you were good"

Matt chuckled, "No it's quite alright, it was better for you to come and ask rather than you kidnapping me when I'm working"

"Good" Clint smiled as he led Matt out of the door, Karen glanced up and gave a smirk. Barton just stared at her and shook his head.

"Are you two going out?" She grinned, she had always shipped them two.

"For business, yes" Clint answered, she just giggled.

"Whatever you say" She answered, Barton led Matt out of the office.

"What was that about?" Murdock asked, Clint just laughed nervously.

"Uh, nothing" Clint flustered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, let's just not talk about this ok?"

Murdock smiled, "Of course, Clint do me favour after this"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Let's go grab some coffee" Matt asked.

"A-are you asking me out?"

"Yes, what do you think?" Matt frowned, wondering what the archer was thinking about.

"I think that's a fantastic idea" Barton grinned.


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