Happy Anniversary! (SteveXTony)

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Summary: Steve thinks Tony is ignoring him and wants to break up with him but in reality Stark was planning a surprise for their anniversary.

Third Person's POV

"Tony!" Rogers called, popping into Tony's workshop where the genius was working on something. He had about five screens up and scrolled through them before turning around to look at Rogers. "Do you want to get lunch?"

"Lunch?" Stark mumbled, turning his attention back to the screens. Rogers frowned, Tony had never ignored him like that before. Stark swiped left and closed one of the screens before enlarging another one. "I'm not hungry"

The Captain sighed feeling dejected, after all Tony had never ignored him like that. If he was busy, he'd normally sound repentant. "Alright then"

Rogers left him alone and thought to himself.

Does he hate me?

Did I do something wrong?

What could I possibly do to him...?

Wait does he want to break up with me...

He couldn't even think about the possibility of breaking up with Stark, they were completely fine yesterday. He wondered what he possibly could have done.

Stark on the other hand was busy planning their anniversary, he hated being mean to Steve but he had to get him away. He pondered on what he could do for him, he groaned and sat down in his chair looking at possibilities.

He knew Rogers probably didn't want something extravagant, Stark huffed deciding that he should just get his boyfriend a gift instead.

But what gift? What do I get a 95 year old man? I need something simple yet elegant.

He decided to get him a ring with a chain attached to it so it acts like a necklace, it was simple yet memorable and something that Steve could cherish. The worst thing about it was it took Stark about three hours to come up with that idea.

"Jarvis, jot that down will you?" Stark sighed, resting his head back and rubbing his face.


Three days had past and it was their first anniversary, by then Rogers was 92% sure that Stark wanted to break up with him. He was worried at what he did wrong but decided to face Tony to settle everything.

"Tony, we need to talk" Steve started, opening the doors to Tony's lab. To his surprise Stark popped open a bottle of champagne and grinned. Rogers was as confused as ever, "What...?"

"Happy Anniversary!" Stark announced, setting the bottle down and walking up to kiss Steve. Rogers had been caught up in his thoughts that he completely forgot about their anniversary. He still got Stark a gift of course, he bought it weeks ago. "Sorry for ignoring you, it would have ruined the surprise"

Tony handed him the black velvet box which held his present, Rogers opened it and saw the ring inside. At first he thought it was a marriage ring but realised that there was a chain around it, inside there were words engraved.

I love you, Tony Stark.

It was simple but meaningful, just what Steve hoped for. "Thank you Tony, really. I have your present, it's just in my room"

But Stark pulled Steve by the hip until they were inches apart, "Why? My present is already here"

Rogers just blushed before Stark kissed him again.

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