Civil War-2

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AN: So I'll just continue off of the last one and I'll have a Sam and Bucky one next XD

Summary: As the war draws to an end but still with Rogers on the loose and Barton in critical condition, Stark has to make decisions real fast.

Third Person's POV

He ran down the corridors, trying his best to find his friend. He stopped in front of a room where there was a glass panel that let him glance inside. He saw doctors frantically trying to stop the bleeding with nurses huddling around him.

"Friday? Is he still...alive?" Stark whispered, his watch opened up a small hologram that traced the archer's heartbeat. Tony glanced at it and frowned, it was rather weak.

"Sir at this rate Mr Barton-"

"Don't finish that sentence Friday" The genius muttered, glancing back into the room. When Tony heard the flat line beep from his watch his heart dropped. The doctors grabbed the defibrillators and quickly got to work, Tony looked away and gasped in shock. Suddenly someone touched him, he snapped up and realised it was T'challa. Tony growled and moved back. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to help your friend Mr Stark" The panther replied, he was still in his black panther suit but had a small case in his hand. "In Wakanda we're rather proficient in medicine"

T'challa walked towards the door and opened it, the nurses tried to usher him out but he somehow convinced them to let him stay. Tony walked into the room with tears stinging his eyes, he watched as the king opened the case and took out what seemed to be herbs.

"Friday, do a scan for me" Tony said, his watch beeped twice.

"Unrecognisable substance, would you like me to try again?" Friday chimed, Tony turned it off and watched T'challa. The king seemed to do everything swiftly and Tony couldn't keep up, finally the panther had injected something inside Barton and moments later his heart started beating again.

"If I may Mr Stark, I believe it would be best if we move Mr Barton to Wakanda" The king spoke, Tony glanced at him and then back at the unconscious archer. "We have medicine the world has never even heard of"

"Would he survive the trip?" The genius asked, T'challa nodded giving him reassurance.

"I realised now I've made a mistake, with this war, with Captain Rogers and Barnes. If I may I would like to fix these mistakes as fast and as best as possible" T'challa bowed in front of Tony,

"I'm sorry for getting you caught up in this in the first place" Tony replied back, "Should we get going your highness?"


As they reached Wakanda, Barton was quickly ushered away and Stark was brought to what seemed to be the palace. He followed T'challa and the medics down to where they had placed Bucky back to cryosleep. Stark stared at the soldier who laid unmoving, he touched the glass and studied the murderer of his parents.

"It was the least I could do for him" The panther said, walking beside Tony and looked at Barnes as well. "I was so caught up in my emotions I didn't see past evidence, I had nearly killed the wrong killer."

Tony looked at him and then looked back at Barton who was getting treated, then another person walked into view. Stark's eyes widened when he saw Rogers step into the room.

"Tony" Steve said defensively, Tony didn't move or say anything. "Before you arrest me-"

"I'm not going to arrest you" Stark muttered, walking towards the archer who the nurses had just finished up with. He looked peaceful, as if nothing was happening, Tony smiled at that.

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