It Happened Again (StevexTony) [An AU?? I still don't know]

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AN: do yall remember that one thing I wrote where there was another Tony, yeah we're gonna do that again but with another Steve AHHA

Summary: An unexpected guest shows up from another universe.

Third Person's POV

"Tony I need you to come home."

"What's wrong babe?" He frowned as the other man sounded troubled, it was rare for his partner to call him like this.

"I don't think I can explain it over the phone...please?"

"Alright, I'll be home in ten okay?" He reassured and heard a hum of approval over the line. The call clicked to a shut and he rushed over towards his assistant. He briefly explained the gist of what was happening and told her to clear the rest of the day.

The car ride home was quiet and therefore quick; by the time he made his way to the common floor of the Avengers, his partner was already waiting.

"I cleared the rest of the day for you, this better be interesting." He teased as he waltzed over.

Steve Rogers exhaled and nudged his head towards the guest sitting on the couch. As his eyes glanced over, his heartbeat jumped through the roof. Sitting on their couch was another Rogers, but he looked a little different.

His hair was longer along with a lighter shade and swept to one side; pale blue eyes closer to white than the familiar blues of his Steve. He wore his uniform which was also designed differently however it was similar to the stealth suit that Steve wore occasionally.

"D-Did it happen again?" Were the only words that left his mouth. The other Steve stood up and walked over to address the situation.

"I understand that my Tony went though the exact same thing." The other Steve acknowledged, "I didn't really believe him we are."

"You..." He trailed off, his eyes shifted over towards the other man's sculpted body underneath the suit. His Steve took notice and narrowed his eyes as he shifted closer towards him.

"I'll call Strange." Steve said, ready to take out his mobile device. "We can get you home."

"Wait-" He cut in and turned to face his partner. "Don't you find this whole situation a little hot­- I mean interesting?" It wasn't the greatest save but it was a save nevertheless, "This can't just be a coincidence."

"You're Tony is right." The other Steve stated, and they turned their attention towards him. "Our universes crossing over isn't some coincidence."

"Do you think this could be linked to Thanos?" Steve thought aloud, "He did have all five infinity stones and he did change reality; perhaps our realities overlapped."

He blinked with shock at the plausible theory, "I am so turned on right now." His partner flushed a soft red, "Talk like that more often."

"Thanos?" The other muttered.

"Your fortunate souls haven't ran into him yet?" His eyes widened and the other shook his head. "It doesn't matter now, what matters is Steve's theory makes sense. We stopped Thanos around six months is possible that the aftermaths of the stones are kicking in."

"Even if I was right, that wouldn't explain how his Tony came. Thanos was only a recent problem."

"Shit, you're right." He whispered and rubbed the nape of his neck, "Was anything major happening when your Tony disappeared?"

"We had just stopped Doom from creating an interdimensional portal." They didn't understand the sentence but it sounded right.

"So I suppose all of this-" Steve gestured with his hands, "Is just linked to what happened in our universes." The other two nodded in agreement, "Now that that's cleared...we should probably send you home."


"Oh! You're injured." He realised as he finally took a good study of the other Steve.

"Hm?" The man stared down his body, "It's nothing really, before I came here I was in a fight."

"C'mon." He smiled and gestured towards the door, "I'll patch you up, it's the least I could do."

"Thanks." Rogers whispered and followed him towards the medical bay. "You know...ever since Tony got sent here...that's all he's ever talked about."

He chuckled, "Trust me, I've been doing the same but then again, we are the same person." The doors to the room opened and the other man stripped off his suit. He attempted not to look as he pulled out the medical kit.

Antiseptic was dabbed against a cotton ball and he slowly cleaned the gash by the man's side. The other Steve watched quietly as he continued to clean the wound.

"I think your Steve doesn't like me very much." They finally spoke, and he glanced upwards briefly.

"That makes sense." He smirked, "I'm sure you're both stubborn." Rogers smiled a little.

"Still, I feel as if I've committed some sort of crime."

"He's probably just jealous, he's protective like that."

The man scoffed, "I guess I would feel the same towards my Tony."

"How is he by the way? I was worried he never got home." He began to bandage the wound as he finished cleaning.

"The same as he's always been, which I suppose is good."

As he finally finished dressing the wound he handed the man spare clothes, the suit couldn't be comfortable to wear 24/7. As the man finished changing clothes, the doors to the room opened.

His Steve walked in with a glare, he rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile at the man.

"Relax will you? I was just treating his wounds." He reassured, the other Steve shifted his stance.

"Whatever." Steve muttered and turned his gaze away, "I've already contacted Strange, he should be ready by tomorrow."

"We have spare rooms if you'd like to rest." He offered and watched as the other man nodded a little. "I'll take you."

"I'll do it." Steve cut in and he raised an eyebrow. "You can clean up in here."

"I'm going to give you two some space." The other Steve whispered so softly they almost missed it and stepped out of the room.

The minute the man was gone, he stepped forward and spoke up. "Did you seriously just tell me to clean the place like I'm sort of house wife from the 40's?"

"No-I didn't mean it that way." His partner sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm just-"

"You know nobody is taking me away from you right?" He smiled softly and touched the blonde's face. "Not even the jaw dropping Steve from the other universe." His partner shot him a look and he laughed, "I'm joking but I assure you, you're the only one I want in my life."

Steve pressed their lips together and he eagerly kissed back, "I don't mean to be overprotective."

"Don't worry, it's a very attractive trait." He chuckled and kissed the other man again. "Why don't we show the other you, his room and retreat to ours?"

"What do we plan on doing?" Steve smiled a little and wrapped his arms around Tony's waist.

"Whatever the hell you want babe."

AN: oof kept this one short. 

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