You Don't Sound Alright (PietroXClint)

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AN: Sorry for the slow update ;.; But I'm really running low on ideas, so please leave me your prompts. I don't really care how crazy it is XD


Third Person's POV

"This is stupid old man" Pietro pouted as the two stood across each other. Clint couldn't help but smile at the younger man's exaggeration.

"No you need to learn" The archer remarked and without notice the speedster was suddenly on the floor. Barton had knocked out his knee which resulted him to fall onto the cold mat. Maximoff groaned and rubbed his face in annoyance, "Boom you would be dead"

"I could just run; you do realise that. I don't need self-defence" The younger man complained, Barton rolled his eyes at Pietro's cockiness. As Pietro tried to stand up, Barton just knocked him back down again and Pietro groaned and whimpered. "I'm sorry, you don't need self-defence? What happens if you're on the floor like this?"

Maximoff didn't answer but all of a sudden Barton was on the floor with the speedster hovering over him. "I could just do that old man"

The archer raised an eyebrow but didn't question Pietro's attack, as a matter of fact he pressed a small kiss on Pietro's nose. The younger man blushed and moved away from the blonde, Barton laughed and sat up. "If you're so keen in not learning self-defence then you can study instead"

Pietro shook his head. Ever since the events of Sokovia had finished, Stark had signed the twins up for college. As much as Pietro appreciated it, he hated studying for his subjects.

"I'll just stick to self-defence old man" Pietro laughed nervously, slowly getting up and helping Clint up. The minute the archer was on his feet, he flipped Pietro onto the mat which caused the younger man to groan and roll over. "I hate you so much old man"


Pietro had just finished his classes and was ready to leave but when he stepped out of the building, there was a huge crowd of people outside. He wondered what was going on and moved closer towards the crowd, pushing his way through so he could see what was going on. He was surprised to find Barton standing there, trying his best to move away from the crowd of people. Barton and Maximoff made eye contact and Barton shot him a look of help.

Pietro smirked and in a flash the two were suddenly in the car, Barton exhaled in relief and closed his eyes briefly.

"What are you doing here?" Pietro asked and grinned like a child when he realised that Barton brought his Ferrari.

"For one thing I came to pick you up and suddenly there was a crowd of people asking for my photograph and signatures" Clint breathed, cracking open one eye and shifted his position slightly. "Do you want to drive?"

"Can I?!" Pietro practically shouted, Clint winced at how loud he was.

"Sure, just don't dent it." Barton shrugged, the two quickly switched positions and Pietro turned on the engine. He revved the engine and grinned wildly to himself before driving off. "So how was classes?"

Pietro slowed down as they neared a red light and shrugged. "Boring"

"You say that all the time"

"Because they are" Maximoff huffed before accelerating once again. Barton shot him a look but debated to ignore it. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Clint replied, placing his elbow against the window and resting his head on his palm.

"How was your day?" Pietro rolled his eyes, taking a turn down the street. Barton took in the city sights, piecing words together as best he could.

"It was alright"

"You don't sound alright"

"Just got hurt on a mission. Nothing for you to worry about" Clint explained, Pietro suddenly slammed at the breaks and turned to face the archer. Fortunately, they weren't on a crowded street.

"You got hurt?" He sounded genuinely concerned which surprised Clint. Before Barton spoke he ushered the younger man to keep driving.

"It's nothing serious. I just fell off a building"

"You did that last week as well"

"I guess it's a habit" Clint said, there was a sudden silence between the two. Pietro had a frown on his face and Clint just placed his hand on the younger man's thigh. "I really am fine!"

"You don't look fine" Pietro grumbled, Clint sighed and took of his seat-belt shifting around. Pietro threw a quick glance over before averting his eyes back towards the road. The archer then began to press kisses against the speedsters' neck. "W-what are you doing"

"If I'm not fine, I won't be able to do what I'm about to do next" Barton smirked.

"I-I'm driving!"

"Then pull over. I won't do this to you again if you don't pull over" The archer whispered by Pietro's ear, Maximoff immediately pulled over by an alleyway. He then turned his attention back towards the other man who was pressing slow kisses down his jaw line now. "C'mon, don't tell me you didn't see this coming?"

"I-I really, really hate you old man" Pietro gasped, when Barton yanked him down and pressed more kisses down his throat. Then he kissed Barton on the lips, running his hand through his hair.

"I know you love me" The archer smiled, kissing him once again. "By the way, you're cleaning the car after this"

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