Date (BuckyXErik Killmonger)

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AN: I'm sorry this one took so long !! Hopefully you all like it. ALSO THIS BOOK IS RANKED UNDER #41 FOR THE TAG TONY STARK OUT OF LIKE 4k waaaaat. I never expected that somehow shitty short stories could be ranked so high under one character. Also I think out of 400 ish stories, we're ranked #9 for Stucky?? Doesn't sound as impressive but hello?? Thanks??

Also after I finish this set of prompts, I will be placing this book under MAJOR REWRITE. I sorta accidentally flipped to the first chapter of this and holy god it hurt my soul to read it. So I will probably be doing that but I'll still accept prompts!!

Summary: Ever since their last encounter the two had progressed in their relationship greatly.

Third Person's POV.

"This is a nice place." Bucky Barnes commented as he scanned through the menu handed to him. He couldn't read the foreign language and decided to set it back down on the table. "But I might leave you to decide for me."

"How the hell am I supposed to know what you like?" Erik Killmonger smirked and shut the menu as well. Barnes shrugged and picked up the glass of water in front of him.

"Enlighten me." Barnes answered and sipped the water. The other man sighed and called on the waitress who seemed a little anxious about them both. Nevertheless, Erik ordered for them both and handed the waitress the menus. "So, how's your situation been?"

"Apparently 'better'" Killmonger made quotation marks with his fingers. "I suppose I owe you a thanks."

"I did nothing." Barnes smiled as he stared into the other man's eyes.

"Nah man, ever since I've met you, things have been easier. I suppose it's nice knowing somebody who's been through hard times themselves." Erik shrugged and casted his eyes away, the brunette couldn't help but smile even more.

"You said something nice. I should call T'Challa." Bucky teased and watched as the other man shot up.

"You have a death wish." Erik's lips quirked upwards. He sat up when the waitress came back with food in her hands. She set it down in front of them and left. Barnes studied the contents of his plate before he picked up the cutlery provided. "It's just beef, I thought you'd want something close to American food."

"I mean I don't mind eating whatever." The assassin had never been picky with his food and ate anything with no complaints.

"What about you?" Erik prompted as he ate what he ordered. "Heard anything from Captain America?" Bucky scoffed and shook his head.

"He's still a world-class criminal, I hardly doubt he'll continually try and contact me." Barnes answered and enjoyed the meal thoroughly. "Besides, he's already done enough for me, I don't want him to continue worrying."

"You two have one hell of a friendship." Erik said and poked at his food. "Would have thought that you two been doin' it." The man raised his eyebrows suggestively as he said that which made Barnes laugh.

"I've known him for too long for us to be dating besides I'm with you now." Bucky regarded and continued to finish his plate.

"Did you want to date him?" Erik asked, Bucky wondered why the man was so curious. "You don't gotta answer, I'm just curious."

"When we were a lot younger, yeah." The brunette admitted and tapped his fork on the plate as he was lost in thought. "But that was a long time ago and we've both moved on." He reassured his partner as he finished his dinner. "Now I'm dating some dude that tried taking over such a great country." Bucky chuckled as he finished his water as well.

The other man rolled his eyes, "I've moved past that."

"I know and I'm so very proud of you." Bucky continued to tease as he smiled fondly at the other man. "What do you want to do after this? I mean T'Challa is just letting us have the night."

"Well." Erik said as he looked at his watch. "I have about thirty minutes before I need to report back to the 'cuz"

"We could walk?"

"I was thinking we just make out or somethin' but I guess walking sounds nice." Killmonger compromised with a shrug. Barnes stood from his chair and stared at the other man.

"Nope, I like your idea better. Let's go, T'Challa said he was paying for this." Barnes quipped and watched as the other man smirked and stood on his feet. The two quickly left with happy thoughts and anticipated the rest of their night. 

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