Safe (ClintXSteve)

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AN: TRIGGER WARNING (If anyone can advise me on when to put 'trigger warnings' please tell me as I'm not sure on how some of you guys might react. A friend told me to put one in this chapter, just in case)

Did anyone leave me prompts recently? I think I got some, I just can't remember and I feel bad about that. Someone did request SteveXClint and I had an idea, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

Also I feel like it's important for me to tell you guys the ages of the Avengers in this book. I like to think of them as still quite young and able. So let's get started:

- Steve Rogers- 25

- Tony Stark- 24

- Bruce Banner- 27

- Natasha Romanoff- 21

- Clint Barton- 23

- Thor- I actually have 0 clue on how old Thor would be.

- Bucky Barnes- 26

- Other ages I'll mention every now and then.

Summary: When Rogers rescued his teammates from "The Raft", they were in worse condition in which he had hoped.

Third Person's POV

He had never expected them to torture them. Wanda being locked away like someone in a mental asylum with the straight jacket and the collar made him feel sick. The other three were constantly being tortured for information. Rogers snuck by behind a guard and took him out, he then moved forward glancing through the glass window.

He froze when he saw the scene in front of him, three men stood over Barton who laid on the floor with blood coating his body. Rogers clenched his jaw and looked back at the unconscious guard and searched him for some sort of weapon. He found a gun and got back up, glancing back through the window once again. One of the men grabbed the archer by the scruff of the shirt and pinned him against the wall. Clint gasped and hardly struggled.

"If you don't start talking anytime soon, I'm afraid I'll have a different type of torture planned for you" The man laughed, Barton immediately realised what the other man meant by that and began to struggle. Rogers frowned in confusion but grimaced when he realised what the agent meant.

"I don't know, I really don't!" The archer pleaded, the man gutted him hard against the ribs. Rogers frantically worried, he could easily kill them but that would have caused more problems. Then again he could probably take them out, he sighed and decided to risk it. The pressed the button and the door slid open, the captain raised his gun and shot twice against a man's leg. When the other agent pulled his gun out, Rogers shot his stomach twice. Then there was of course the last agent, who was still holding Barton against the wall.

"One more step and I won't hesitate to kill him" The man threatened, Rogers kept the gun pointed at the agent. He shot at the man's forearm and the man dropped the archer before writhing in utter pain. Rogers walked forward and gave the man a harsh kick to the head before crouching down and studying Barton. The archer whimpered when the Captain touched him and Roger's hand ran down to a wound on Barton's side.

"Hey, stay with me alright?" Rogers said, when he realised that the archer was bleeding profusely.

"I've been through worst..." Clint managed to crack a smile, "Where's everyone else...?"

"They're safe" The Captain reassured, he knew Clint was in no position to walk. So he scooped up the archer, bridal style he might add and kept him close. The younger man blushed and hid his face in the crook of Roger's arm. The soldier smiled and carried him safely out of the building.


It was hard to breathe, no matter how much he gasped for air it was useless. They grabbed him again and shoved his head into the water. By now he had already given up on struggling, he hoped that maybe they drowned him for long enough that he died. But they yanked him out before he did drown to death. They removed the bag over his head and he winced at the bright lights in the room.

"Are you going to talk or do we have to drown you again?" His captor sneered, Barton didn't say anything and mostly just focused on breathing. "I'd really hate to hurt such a pretty face"

Clint snapped up at that, the other man laughed and placed his hand on Clint's chin, tilting his head up. "Get the fuck off of me"

"I'm giving you an easy way out here" The man teased, Clint kicked the man against the knee and the other man scowled. Suddenly grabbing him by the neck, "I was planning to be nice but clearly you've given me no other choice"


He woke up with a sudden gasp, his body drenched in sweat and his breathing uneven. He sat up and pulled the covers up to his chest. He realised that he wasn't in his room in the tower, the room had giant glass windows that allowed soft lighting into the room. Outside there was quite possibly the most beautiful view he'd ever seen. It was a deep, lush jungle that stretched on for miles.

When the door clicked open, the archer snapped his head towards the door. He eased up when he recognised who it was. It was Steve, who closed the door behind him.

"Hey" The Captain said softly, "How are you feeling?"

"H-How long was I out for?" Barton asked, curling up on the bed. Steve sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the archer closer to him. Clint seemed to relax a bit more and Steve rubbed Clint's arm in reassurance.

"A couple of days at most" Rogers whispered in a calming tone, "Are you sure you're alright? What did they do to you?"



"I'm fine" Clint huffed, "Leave me alone"

Rogers sighed and motioned to get up but the archer just pulled him back down and looked like he was on the verge of crying. "You can talk to me; you know that right?"

"I-I, I don't want to say but it's more of I can't..."

"I know what they did Clint, they had no right to touch you like that"


"I've walked in on you having nightmares, you mutter in your sleep" Steve explained, Clint went quiet and fiddled with his hands. Steve hugged him tightly, "Everything's going to be fine now, alright?" Clint nodded in agreement before falling asleep in the soldier's arms. 

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