Publicity (TonyXClint)

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AN: First of all, I owe y'all an apology. If you guys read my other short story, I have been caught up with something called JSI. Which in reality is like JSdie, it's stressful but I've just finished with Semi Finals which means I can relax and update!

I actually wanted to ask you guys, do you guys mind if I sort of do a whole Avengers story with insights of ships? I think it's quite a nice way of who the Avengers are dating and etc, I love doing the short stories with specific ships, but I wanna do more whole Avengers.

So this chapter is on IronHawk, IM SORRY IF I DO SO MANY CHAPTERS ON THEM. I LOVE THEM <3 Be sure to leave me prompts guys :)

One last thing, how comfortable are you guys with the mention of things know sex. I mean I know I can say the word but like to what extent? I'm not ever going to write smut or anything but, what can I mention here and there?

Summary: Publicity was something they had always avoided but someone was bound to figure it out sooner or later.

Third Person's POV

They had never told the general public that they were dating, the Avengers already had media following them everywhere. They didn't want to give another reason for the public to question them about. But it was inevitable that someone would have found out sooner or later.

Clint was called up to Tony's office one day, the archer sighed and decided to make his way towards his partner's office.

"Did you really have to call-" Clint was cut off when he realised the man in the office wasn't Stark. Barton recognised him almost immediately.

"Mr Barton, if you please, could you close the door behind you?" The man said, smiling at the archer. Clint did what he was told and the other man gestured him to sit down on the chair in front of him. Once again Barton did what he was told and sat down, he gripped the arm rests and stared at the man in front of him.

He was Stark's manager, not that Tony ever talks to him. Pepper ran the company, she had the first hand choice of choosing the staff. (AN: Literally making up a character for the purpose of this short story :P) He mostly just oversees everything that the company does, his job was to make sure no one could threaten the company in anyway.

"I assume you want to talk to me about something?" Barton asked, clenching his jaw. The manager tossed him that sly smile again.

"I've heard from resources that you and Mr Stark are seeing each other are you not?" The man went by the name as Carson Ellery. Barton had never gotten along with the man.

"And you assume that's true?" Barton scoffed, leaning back against his chair. "I've known Stark for a while, hell I'd call him one of my closest friends but to actually date that man? Jesus Christ that would actually be hell"

Ellery smirked at him, Barton squinted his eyes and knew something horrible was going to happen. The manager pulled out his phone and slid it over to the Avenger, Barton picked up his phone and looked at it. The archer tensed and placed the phone down, it was a picture of Stark and him holding hands. "Refute all you want Mr Barton; I have evidence"

"And all this concerns you why exactly?" The assassin scowled, Ellery glared at him.

"You can imagine what would happen if the public ever found out couldn't you?" The other man tested him, Clint frowned. "I mean if New York ever found out Tony Stark was gay, that would cause an uproar wouldn't you say so? Never the less, to date someone like you..."

Barton stood up and slammed his palms on the glass table, "What the fuck are you implying?"

Ellery laughed and stood up, straightening up his suit. "Mr Barton if you actually care about Mr Stark, then I assume you would care if he got hated on wouldn't you?"

Barton was silent and the man walked around the table, then facing the archer. "So what? You want me to stop seeing him?"

"You have to understand that I have the responsibility to ensure that nothing incriminating would ever happen to the company or Tony Stark." The man spoke, "So yes, if you wouldn't mind, stay away from Stark"

And with that the other man left the office. Barton stood there in utter disbelief before leaving the room as well.


"Tony, I have to talk to you about something" Clint said as he approached Tony who was working on his laptop. Tony glanced up and shut the laptop screen.

"I swear if you tell me you want pizza for dinner..." Tony smirked, Clint managed a small smile. Stark could immediately tell something was wrong from the way Clint looked. "Hey...what's wrong?"

"We need to stop..."


"We need to stop seeing each other!" Barton snapped, Stark blinked a couple of times and swallowed nervously.

"T-This has to be a joke right?" Stark got up and laughed nervously, Clint casted his eyes onto the floor. "W-what did I do?"

"It isn't you" Barton murmured, Stark walked towards the archer and grabbed his hand, pressing against it in a comforting manner. Barton glanced up into his brown eyes that was plastered in worry.

"You're scared" The engineer mumbled, "You're scared about something...What happened? Did someone threaten you?!"

There was no reply, "I'm just thinking about what's best for you Tony"

"What's best for me?! Clint where the fuck is this all coming from?" Stark raised his voice, "Clint look at me! Who's setting this up? Who's making you do this?!"

"No one! Besides wouldn't you be happier with a wife? Jeez Tony, I can't do-" He was cut off by Stark kissing him. Clint gasped in shock but desperately kissed him back, the genius pulled away and gabbed Clint's hand. "Tony..."

He brought the archer's hand down towards his crotch, Barton jumped. "Look at me, how do you expect me to have a wife, when I feel like this just by kissing you?"

Barton frowned and sighed, "B-but if the public ever found out-"

"So? I don't care about publicity Clint; I couldn't give a shit if they all hated me. If I'm happy just by being around you, then I don't give a single fuck about what everyone else says" Tony said softly, Barton eased up and glanced away. "Who told you that this wasn't right?"

"Y-your manager or whatever"

"Carson?" Tony speculated, Clint nodded. "I'll deal with this"


Caron was immediately fired along with a broken nose (Stark denied the fact that he ever touched him) and the couple had started going out more publicly. The media soon rolled in, sure Stark had a few less supporters but it didn't concern him.

"See? I told you everything was going to be alright" Stark winked at him, Barton rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you're right. You cocky son of a bitch" The archer smirked, "I guess the public just really don't care"

"You're really stupid you know that?"


"You're stupid to think that everyone is going to freak out by something so minor." Tony explained, Clint furrowed his eye brows. "Do you really think you're the first guy I've ever went out with?"

"W-what happened to the guy?"

"The same thing, he got threatened. Presumably by Carson as well"

"O-oh, I'm sorry"

"It's nothing to worry yourself over, plus you're ten times more adorable" Tony grinned, Barton turned red and left the room. "Idiot"

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