We're In The Endgame Now (StevexTony???) [MY PREDICTION]

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AN: I kinda have this theory for endgame, its not spoilers but I guess ill note it in the title

Also im seeing the film 2 days in a fkin row, help me. HELP ME.

Summary: Thanos won but Tony wasn't going to live that down.

Third Person's POV

"Tony, I need you to breathe."

He couldn't breathe, he had so much to say with so little time. Hell, he wasn't even sure how he would say it. The words that were about to leave his mouth would throw him into the closest mental ward.

"We don't have time, where the hell is the sceptre?" He demanded and even pushed Steve out of the way.

"You used it to activate Ultron's replacement body." Steve stated and caught up with him before catching his arm. He turned his head and made eye contact with the solider. "Vision's in the building, that contents of the sceptre aren't going anywhere."

He took a deep breath, right, he forgot he did that. Kinda weird to think he birthed something.

"Right." He nodded, acting natural was already out of the window. "R-Right, we have to stop Ultron right? What are we waiting for, let's get to Sokovia."

"No, tell me what's wrong." The man grounded and he shook his head. Perhaps this wasn't the right time to tell the team what was happening. "Tony, you already hid Ultron from me."

"It's not something I can explain in five minutes."

"Try to."

"I'm not from around here." He deadpanned and watched as the other man frowned at him. "See?"

"What do you mean?" Steve scoffed with disbelief and Tony let out a deep sigh.

"I missed your idiocy." He mumbled to himself and clasped the man's shoulder. "Look at my hand yeah?"

Steve did just that and watched as Tony's armour covered the man's arm out of nowhere. The soldier's eyes fluttered with shock as he wondered what just happened.

"Last time I checked you couldn't do that."

He breathed out and let the armour subside into his skin once again, "Precisely." A beat passed. "I'm from the future."

"How far into the future?" Steve was actually trying to follow along with this shit which was honestly surprising. "And why have you come back?"

"We're in 2015 now yeah?" He hummed and the other man nodded, "Four years from now, half of all life in the universe disappears. We tried to stop him a second time; but I watched you all die."

The last part of his sentence turned into a mere whisper. Steve's eyebrows knitted together, it seemed that Tony wasn't lying. The raw emotion behind his voice showed that much.

"A second time?"

He clicked his tongue and laughed nervously. "You and I fell out hard. The Avengers broke up."

"W-What happened?"

"Although we've saved the world countless of times, we're also the reason that countless of innocents have died." He breathed and rubbed the nape of his neck, "The Council finally decided to put us in check, place us under boundaries but you didn't want to sign the agreement."

Steve thought about it a little and realised he probably would have done that.

He licked his lips as he continued to explain, "Then I find out that your Bucky killed my parents and you can only imagine how things went from there."

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