Old Stories (No Specific Ship) [CM SPOILERS]

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AN: idk what this is, its set around the Captain Marvel era. Also I don't know If this chapter is spoilers for CM, it probably is.

Summary: Carol meets the Avengers and quickly recognises them through Fury's tales.

Third Person's POV

"I'm sorry, who are you exactly?" Steve Rogers asked, he knew he couldn't be too careful with strangers. Especially if they just seemingly appeared out of nowhere in a protected facility nonetheless.

"Where's Fury?" The stranger demanded once again, her eyes surveyed the room once more and eventually caught sight of the pager. "I gave that to him, did you guys do something to him?" Her tone suddenly turned inhospitable and her fists glowed a soft orange.

The team tensed up and Romanoff stepped forward to try and diffuse the situation, "He disappeared along with half the universe." The stranger frowned and quickly eased up, "I used to work for him."

"Say, you don't happen to be Romanoff, do you?" They asked as they tilted their head to one side. Natasha blinked with surprise, "Which means..." Her eyes flickered around the room once more, "You guys must be the Avengers."

"How do you know?" Steve muttered, still clueless as to who she was.

"He told me a lot about you guys, but this was ages ago. Close to a decade now." She then smiled kindly, "I gave him that pager in case there was an emergency that he needed my help with. The fact that half the universe disappeared probably means it's an emergency."

"Wait, where did you come from?" Bruce Banner muttered as he removed the pager from the machinery attached to it.

"I was across the universe helping a civilisation, when suddenly they started turning to dust. Then I got the call and I knew it wasn't a coincidence." She said and there was a brief moment of silence. "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Carol Danvers."

"You said Fury told you about us?" Steve asked, "I never realised he could be so...open."

"Back when I first met him, he smiled a lot." She hummed as he recalled the memory.

"Are we even talking about the same person?" Bruce cut in and Carol laughed.

"I think I can still name all of you." She said, "You must be Bruce, and the big guy is Steve. Natasha and I think I might have seen Thor outside. The only people I don't see are Tony and Clint."

"Fury really talked about us?" Natasha asked, seemingly surprised.

"Well duh, how else would I know anything about you guys? I haven't been on Earth in a long while." She grinned, the team was too exhausted to continue pressing questions so they accepted that she was an ally. "So does anybody want to tell me what's going on?"


"Hey! How's it going?" Carol opened the door without a warning. Fury glanced up and stared with shock. "Surprised to see me?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked but couldn't help but smile at the sight of an old friend. She sat across his table and leaned back against the chair.

"Well you said If I was in town, I should drop by." She commented, "If you're not too busy we could catch up over dinner."

The man glanced around the piles of paper around his table; deciding that he's done enough, he decided to agree to dinner. Besides, catching up with Carol wouldn't be a bad idea at all.

"So! What have you been doing?" She asked as she sipped her glass of water, "Still working for SHIELD?"

"I actually run the damn place now."

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