Love-2 (StevexBuckyxTony)

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AN: Somebody messaged me if I could continue that StevexTonyxBucky one and I'd be more than happy ! Sometimes I don't mind continuing off a chapter if I feel it needs more of an expansion, and I felt this one could have pushed just a bit further along.

Summary: Bucky and Steve began keeping an eye on Tony to ensure that the engineer got back on his feet and stop blaming himself.

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark turned his head nervously and made eye contact with the other two men who smiled reassuringly at him. Stark frowned and pressed against the palms of his hands. He slowly turned back around and hesitantly knocked on the door.

It took three months but after some convincing the two soldiers managed to convince Stark to talk to Clint Barton. Stark refused and even shouted at them at one time (much like what he did to Barton) however they managed to coax him into it.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed a tall blonde who seemed as if he had just awoken. His hair was messy and he wore nothing more than an oversized T-shirt and sweatpants. He glanced at Tony then glanced at the two soldiers in the back who quickly ducked back behind the wall. His attention turned back towards Stark who kept his gaze towards the ground.

"Hey." Was all Barton said. Stark opened his mouth but no words came out. He screwed his eyes shut and felt like an idiot. "You look like you're going to cry. I'm not going to hurt you Tony." The way the man said Stark's name was comforting. As if his name held so much meaning.

"I-I want to say-"

"You don't have to say anything. I think I got told enough." Barton scoffed. Stark quivered and whimpered softly. "I-I didn't mean that in a- God, I'm an idiot. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Stark glanced up with glassy eyes and pulled his arm closer to his body.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. For everything I said." Tony whispered. "I cared a lot about you and I think I was just scared of letting somebody into my life."

"I hope you'll find them." Barton stated as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. Stark frowned and tilted his head. "I hope you'll find somebody that'll convince you that you're enough. That you deserve to be loved. I'm just sorry I couldn't be that somebody." Stark gaped and his eyes fluttered.


"It's alright. I'm not saying that so you'll pity me." Clint smiled and patted Stark's head as if he were a child. "If I'm not wrong I think you found them already. I cared a lot about you too, still do. So please don't think I hate you."

"So, we're okay?" Tony asked and watched as the other man nodded. "O-our relationship..."

"How about I say it for you? I want to break up with you. Is that okay?" Barton said, Tony managed a small smile and nodded briefly.

"I'm sorry." Stark teared up, his voice barely audible. Barton sighed and hugged the other man. Tony cried into Barton's chest. Clint stroked the back of Stark's head and as he glanced up he saw Barnes and Rogers once again. They gave him anxious eyes. Barton just smiled softly at them.


"Tony? You're still awake?" The voice boomed and caused Stark to jump and drop a wrench. The tool hit the ground and caused a loud noise. Tony Stark looked up and saw Steve Rogers in the distance with a worried look in his eyes. "It's two am. Go to sleep."

"I-I tried but I can't." Stark whispered and picked up the wrench off the ground. He placed it atop a workbench and stared into the other man's blue eyes. "Nightmares and stuff."

Rogers huffed and scratched the back of his head. He walked closer towards the engineer who looked beyond exhausted. Tony looked like he was about to pass out any moment now.

"Bucky used to get those. Still do. Why don't you just come sleep with us for the night?" Rogers sympathised. Stark's gaze softened and he licked his lips.

"Is that okay?"

"Of course it is. Bucky's fast asleep." Rogers reassured and nudged his head towards the door. Stark followed slowly.

"W-why are you still awake?" Stark asked as he followed the other man back to his room.

"I just needed a drink of water. JARVIS told me you were still awake."

"Oh." Silence fell before them.

"Are you and Barton okay now?" Steve then changed the subject and glanced behind him every so often to check if Stark still followed.

"It's as okay as it can be. I'm surprised he forgave me."

"What did I tell you?" Rogers smiled, Stark's eyes fluttered and he smiled a little. The two eventually reached the room and the blonde opened the door. Stark saw a figure fast asleep on the bed and stepped into the darkened room. "I'm going to the bathroom. Just get some rest."

The brunette watched as Rogers disappeared into the bathroom. Then he glanced at the bed before he laid in it. He kept some distance from Barnes who looked peaceful as he slept. Tony slowly shut his eyes and before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

Moments later, the blonde emerged from the bathroom and smiled as he realised Stark fell asleep. He climbed into the bed himself and sighed.

Tony seemed to migrate to whoever was warmest, currently it was Barnes.

"You awake?" A gruff voice asked, Rogers turned his head but he couldn't see much.

"Yeah. Why are you awake?" Rogers muttered.

"I don't know." Bucky Barnes responded, "Why is Stark here?"

"He had trouble sleeping. I asked him to come here."

"Oh." Followed by a moment of silence. "He sleeps pretty quietly. I thought he'd be the type to snore." Rogers smirked and stared at the dark ceiling.

"We have to be there as much as we can for him." Steve explained, "He needs us now more than ever."

"I don't understand though."

"Understand what?"

"Tony admitted that he still cared for Barton, right? Why don't they just sort it out and get back together. I mean I don't want Stark to leave but it just seems logical." Barnes asked quietly, Rogers placed some thought into it before he responded.

"Sometimes couples who still care about each other have to separate because they both know a relationship isn't what's best for them."

"Is a relationship what's best for us then?"

"Buck, we've been dating since we were kids." Rogers scoffed, he heard the other man laugh. "You'll wake him up."

"We'll talk to him in the morning." Barnes settled, "We'll ask him if he wants us to keep an eye out on him." Rogers hummed with agreement and the two fell asleep. 

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